I've always noticed how the gate leading to my back yard will be soaking wet for hours after a storm but I never really looked. This is what I love about photography - it encourages looking.
We had a huge storm here Sunday. Thunder and lightening - and wind and power outages. Oh My!
When it calmed down I went outside to check on things and took my camera. I was just about to grab the gate by its upper beam when I looked at the row of raindrops and saw them for the first time.
I gingerly pushed the gate to the side of the house so it would be against a plain background and then took a million shots. This is the only one I liked. I blurred it around Mama Raindrop and then I softened the stark white of the house.
I love how she's hanging on.
Please visit CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY - every week new people enter and the art just gets more and more wonderful. And consider grabbing a camera and looking at things differently yourself. It's like two therapy sessions and it's free.
I love that photo. And your comment "I love how she's hanging on" too.
That raindrop is me. It's Alvin. It's my boys. It's all of us. Hanging on. The rest of the world blurred sometimes.
Gorgeous photograph and I love the words that go with it!
This is a gorgeous photo. I love the raindrop and I love the surprising color behind the fence.
Beautiful photo. That drop of water is hanging on with everything it's got! Or is the fence hanging on to the drop of water?
Beautiful. I like the pink tone of the background.
Love your photo and love the title. Yes, having a camera does make you look doesn't it? and you start to see wonderful things you never knew were there.
That is a fabulous shot! I love the tint and the single drop of water.
You sum up what I love about photography, and a great pic too!
wow, i really love how this one turned out... the blur, the toning, it all works very well.
GREAT shot. I love water - it has so many moods!!!!!
Thanks for your comment on my shot, too. :)
Have a wonderful day - BE BLESSED!
Photography teaches you to LOOK.
That's exactly right. Great picture.
Now THAT was a really cool picture! Great job.
We had our huge storm on Monday - it took some of the heat out of the air but it's still uncomfortably warm.
But it did stay dry today, which let us run around a cricket field for a little while. Shame the other side didn't turn up ! (More on cricket on da blog when I get my breath back)
I love how you changed the background to pink. Amother creative photo by you :o)
Mama raindrop...that's funny...
Lisa - you're such a poet! and yet so amazingly strong and down to earth. it's a wonderful combination. I love that my photo brought up all those feelings.
Extra hugs to Alvin - I've been there.
RLL - thank you so much :)
raven - you should have seen/heard me while editing. I was talking to the program - "what eyedropper!?" - "well where the hell IS the color palette" interspersed with curses and shouts of NO! My DIL was upstairs cooking and thought I was fighting on the phone.
jay - I love that question!? You my love are a philosopher for our times.
sandee - I'm so glad you like the pink! It took me forever to decide on it :)
bobbie - thank you!. I now feel naked if I leave the house without my camera.
starr - so glad you like it!! thank you :)
cg - I'm glad I got my feelings across - sometimes I look at something I've written or a shot I've taken and I'm like - huh!?
thanks lady!
julianna - thanks so much. I'm still amazed that I got anywhere, the software is a pain :)
lori - exactly! water can convey so many emotions. and I always think no two drops are the same :)
thank you meno!
Dianne, that picture is extremely effective! I love it! Good luck in the contest! :) Thanks for your funny comment on my CP.
jeni - glad you like it, thanks!!
pete - I think all cricket field should be air conditioned LOL
Our storm gave us a few hours of lovely clean air but now we're back in the soup again.
ivanhoe - the white of my house was just too stark! Mama Raindrop ;) needed a bit of a feminine touch. I'm glad you like it, thank you.
thanks teach! - your shot definitely proves that chubby has more fun LOL
Merci beaucoup pour les compliments sur ma photo, j'aime bien aussi les votres
Beautiful! I love collected rain/dew drops. Next time it storms, check out the plants around your house too.
Lol - was it a Superbowl where they had to delay the game for a little while due to smog in the stadium ? It was an indoor one where the fans had blocked all of the air ducts with banners ... So when all the fireworks went off at half time, the smoke from the fireworks couldn't get out ...
I was definitely wishing my helmet was air conditioned ;-)
This is the kind of photo/subject I'm often drawn to - the smallest easily overlooked details. Sounds like you really know your way around the camera and a photo program, too. Really lovely. And thanks for your comment, too; glad to hear you have lots of fireflies and cicadas over there!
Dianne, that is a beautiful photo. I really like the pinking of the wall of the house too.
babylonezoo - you are very welcome! your photo is stunning!
thanks tink - we have some very tall stalk like plants and I love to watch the rain collect inside them! it's like 'paint by rain drops'
pete - you may have a million dollar idea there! - AC helmets!!
thanks deborah - I learn as I go with both the camera and the software. I'm glad you like the photo, the rain drop was too lovely not to capture
reb - thanks!! I can't begin to tell ya how I kept changing my mind over that pink color!! I'm sl glad I went back to it.
It's such a fantastic photo, Dianne...you have a great eye, now I can't wait to see what else you find.
Well and you know I love the pink--it's luscious!
I very much feel the same way about seeing things with the camera that you probably will not see with the naked eye....! It's funny that you wrote about this because in my new post for tomorrow or Thursday...that is my concentration..Seeing things with the camera in a closer way...and REALLY seeing them....! LOVE that picture!
LOL..I meant to say tomorrow or FRIDAY...Tomorrow IS Thursday...!
Awesome photography Dianne love the black & white.
Thank you for your Creative Photography submission.
Very cool picture!
The tiny droplets stand in stark contrast to the massive thunderstorms.
As such, the raindrops offer clarity to the blurry steel.
This is a terrific entry! You did Mama Raindrop proud.
I always take a million photos, hoping that I will like one.
Photography is great therapy-I totally agree!
Breathtaking, Dianne!
It's funny, because I really enjoy photo's that have anything to do with water.
Water is perhaps my favorite element.
Love how you softened the white of the house.
REALLY nice!
Thanks for sharing!
Interesting shot...
I love these discovery moments. So often we step over or around these little gifts to get where we're going. I'm glad this little drop hung on long enough to get your attention :)
That's a beautiful picture. Sometimes we find beauty in the most unexpected places and sometimes we find it in small everyday things, where we never looked before
Ah ha! You're busted Dianne, even the forces of nature (gravity) hold off in your presence.
That's exactly what I love about photography! It encourages me to see things I never saw, or to see things I always see, only differently!
Awesome picture Dianne! You had a gem in the kazillion pics you took!
Wonderful job editing it as well.
That's a great photo (and story behind).
Good luck!
That is a very well done picture, Dianne. Really nice. Cheers to you!!
Great picture Dianne.
Also, visiting your blog after a few days and just noticed the slide show - it is absolutely hilarious.
thanks for sharing
What an eye you have to find beauty in everything. That's a wonderful shot!
jo - since I think your photos are works of art and you have a painter's eye I am so pleased with your compliment! and I'm glad I stayed with the lucious pink - it reminds me of someone I adore ;)
oldoldlady of the hills - I laugh every time I type your name! what a great coincidence that we both chose to talk about seeing via photography - on whatever day it is!
thanks roger!
tammy - I'm glad that you like it - thanks :)
ralph - what a beautiful insight. it did strike me how fragile the drop was after the violence of the storm.
snoopmurph - thanks!! I resisted going from film to digital - I love my 35mm but the ability to take so many shots won me over. I'm a purist (or a dope) - I still prefer albums too over CDs and forget about itunes, I want to samck them LOL
ron - thanks. I agree about water - it has so many characteristics - soothing, healing all the way to thunderous and destructive.
genny - thank you!
faye - I'm glad she hung on too! I've been working on slowing down and being in the moment. As my blog name suggests I have some trouble with that. Photography calms me and helps me focus.
smm - thank you! I appreciate that and I love your thoughtful observation.
mark - oh yes! I am nothing if not omnipotent! although I think gravity is just trying to make up to me what she did to my boobs ;)
willthink4wine - It delights me that so many of my blog friends 'get it' - thanks!!
anndi - I'm still so uncertain about my editing eye so thanks! I need encouragement. as for the kazillion shots this one jumped right out! usually I mull over several.
sanni - thank you!
matt-man - you're so sweet :) but I won't tell anyone.
pink dogwood - thanks and glad you enjoyed the slideshow - Mia and Siren are quite a pair ;)
hilary - well from a great eye like yours that is a wonderful thing to hear. thanks hil :)
hah - that sounds funny! hearing from a great eye! I constantly amuse myself.
Another wonderful photograph! How long have you been taking photographs?
Ah yes, the tension mounts and all I can think is, Let go and be free little droplet!
diane - thanks, glad you liked it. I've always loved taking photos but usually it was all family stuff - events and trips. From time to time I'd get creative but then lose interest, partly because none of my family or friends are shutter bugs. When I started blogging I realized I had a place to share photos and I've been learning and experimenting since.
knight - hey - maybe we could invent droplet races ;)
I bet some cable station would buy it
I totally agree with you that photography makes you look at things differently. I've seen things in Glasgow that would have otherwise totally passed me by.
I love the colours in this picture. Absolutely beautiful.
I love the color in this. The raindrop is wonderful, clear and hanging on for all it's worth :)
I really like this shot .. and what you did to it .. nice!!!
Dianne, your response to Diane (one n) sounds like me exactly. I used to dabble in photography when I was in my 20s, then lost the creative stuff and took mostly took shots of family events and trips.
You are so right that having a blog and a place to share one's photos is a wonderful thing! And looking at things differently and photographing them is fun and therapeutic. ;-)
"hilary - well from a great eye like yours that is a wonderful thing to hear. thanks hil :)
hah - that sounds funny! hearing from a great eye! I constantly amuse myself. "
Yes, I can see how that sounds. ;)
An absolutely unexpected moment - quite beautiful.
jackie - thank you. you're another photographer whose work I admire. Scotland is at the top of my list of places to visit but for now I have your Glasgow :)
elfenkate - thanks! I became very fond of that raindrop :)
daryl - I'm glad you like it, I'm beginning to enjoy editing as opposed to being afraid of it ;)
patti - it's great isn't it! Anytime I'd pull out a photo I was working on most people around me would groan or even worse be polite. I hate fake polite ;)
Now there's all these wonderfully enthusiastic people to share with - and to learn from.
ahhhh hil - I knew you'd understand ;)
jood - those are the best moments. I love that you think it's beautiful.
Great shot Dianne!
God knows I need therapy;)
What a beautiful post!
The photo is fantastic and I love the meaning attached...
Your comments on looking remind me of an aboriginal saying...
"We must look to see."
Aint it the truth! ;)
Thank you for opening my eyes to this beauty,
With love, M
There are whole tiny worlds going on that we don't usually take the time to observe. Thanks for sharing this one.
Happy Friday!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Your photography is very artistic.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Bear((( )))
Love this photo! I need to learn to look and see more of what's right in my own back yard too.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind words. They are much appreciated!
sweeta - thank you :)
LOL quiet rage - I'm IN therapy and need more ;)
maithri - what a lovely way to start my day! I'm so glad you had a moment to stop by, thanks. I'm glad my photo spoke to you.
tink - thank you :) I often think of 'Horton Hears a Hoot' when I see things like this - who know for sure what worlds exist :)
thanks bear - hugs to you too
you're welcome terri! It was a pleasure to visit you, so much good news :)
The beauty of that photo! The colors and symbolism touched me deeply
Hi Dianne!! I'm visiting your from Ron at Vent. And YES, your blog is all that he said. :)
That is a great photograph. I love to take pictures and fiddlefart with them all the time. I keep promising myself to read more or take a class or something but for now I'm just a girl with a camera and my family knows I'm always lurking. LOL
I will absolutely have to check out 'creative photography' cause I LOVE FREE and could probably use some therapy!!
Mary Says.....
Have a wonderful weekend!
minnesotablue - that's a lovely compliment, thank you.
crystalchick - welcome!! You've been on my list of must visit - I see your comments in a few places and I always love them.
"fiddlefart" is a great word!!
please do join in on Creative Photography - it's fun and everyone who participates is so kind and supportive.
Nice work on that photo. Good use of minimalism and depth of field.
fermicat - thank you so much! I'm so pleased with how much better my eye is getting :)
adds to the fun when you feel like you created something.
OH I LOVE this shot!! Great work!!
kerri - thanks! high praise indeed since your work is extraordinary :)
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