... the big time doctor for the disability insurance company.
I can't remember the last time I needed to prove I was sick. I think I was 12 and Nana just wasn't hearing "but I have cramps".
I'm not worried about it really. I have truth on my side and we all know that truth is all that matters in this country. Oh wait ...
Well OK, I did what I was supposed to do. I insured myself in case I ever got sick or hurt. It was the responsible thing to do. And we all know that if you act responsibly in this country then ...
Let me try this - surely justice and fair play wins in America.
Oh fuck me, I'm screwed.
I did get the insurance company to pay for transportation. First I had to explain to some office assistant sitting somewhere in Butt Cheeks, Wisconsin that it doesn't matter if Google Maps says it's only 38.7 miles.
This is NJ. I need to travel north and west, the state wasn't built for that. And I need to travel at rush hour ...
And come back home at rush hour.
And it is going to rain - hard and all day ...
Mapquest says it will take 57 minutes to get there, so that of course means 2 hours. If I could sit in and operate a moving vehicle for 2 straight hours, go thru a day of medical tests and then drive home for another 2 hours ...
Well I wouldn't be fucking disabled would I?
I can hardly wait until I need to explain that the car service I chose is just called a Limo Service. Don't worry oh great guardians of CEO profits, they're sending a piece of crap. Maybe it'll be a clunker.
Then again, it would be deliciously delightful to arrive at the medical center in style ...
And on we go.
And they say we need health care reform...What are they thinking?
Good Luck, Di. I'll be rootin' for ya. And perhaps dreaming about you as well. Cheers!!
Exhibt "A" right here, Barack!
I'm sending you good vibes for a fun trip, painless exam, good outcome!
ps: I may be in Hawaii, but YOU can eat at a Jersey Diner!!!!!
Comfort Spiral
Di, I feel for you. This is precisely why I don't want diability or SSi. If I was well enough to jump through hoops such as this I would have a job outside my home. But alas, I have lupus & i'm SUPPOSE to AVOID stress. Going to these quack doctors so they can deny, so you can then go through it again only with a lawyer then two years later maybe win your case.... ah forgetaboutit. I'll sew and pray for every dollar I earn.
But, for all of us.. best of luck to you. May I ask what your disability is or is that to personal for you.
Maybe they'll send a stretch Hummer with a stripper pole in it. And a, uh, you know, stripper. ;-)
Right on Kiddo and make sure the driver understands that you want him ready for the pick up whenever they are done with you inside the building.
Go back and look over the other *tips* the only thing you should sign is the drivers sheet so he gets paid.
It ain't luck, it is knowing who you are dealing with.
Keeping everything crossed for you Dianne ++
I'm getting more and more angry each time I hear stuff on the radio about the objections to the reforms. FFS, we have a state-run healthcare system here, it's not perfect (far, far from it) and you'll have plenty of Brits queueing up to moan about it. But if you offered them the current American alternative, I would guarantee not one would take it.
You're doing well if you got them to even pay for a "limo service." That sounds promising.
Kind of ashamed for laughing at a not funny situation but the pictures and sarcasm were priceless.
Not laughing now.I hope common sense rules and the disability insurance company comes through.
Crossing all crossable digits ...
Oh, Di, I feel your pain! Hang on to your sense of humor, it may be all that you have left in the end. Life can be so unfair to good people. - See, if you weren't a good person you'd have figured some sleazy way to get around the system by now - and got away with it.
Good luck today, Dianne. They transported me to and from my doctor's session when I was in the application process. It was pretty much of a clunker as I recall, but I live in the boonies where most cabs and "limos" that I've seen are barely road worthy. Anyway, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Well...it's already Thursday when I'm leaving this comment, so I'm sending ya LOTS of positive energy and love your way, dear lady!
Love the last photo of the limo - it looks like the inside of a DISCO.
Last week an insurance broker came to my work trying to get us all to spend our health dollars on her insurance plans. I said "No thanks, I'd rather keep my money in my savings account. If I need to get it back, the bank has to give it to me. No so with insurers." She had nothing to say to that.
Christ Almighty they want you to jump through hoops! Keep calm Dianne. I'm sending Reiki. x
If it's going to rain on YOU the way it's planning to rain on US, then you may not need the insurance guys opinion because you're probably going to drown - but drowning in a snazzy limo would certainly be more fun than drowning in a clunker! Good luck!
I hear you oh tooo loud and clear. hope it works out.
I hope all went well today.
I'm just checking in to see how it went for you Di!! Tammy
Just checking in on you. Hoping that yesterday went well. Love the fact that you somehow manage to keep your sense of humor through it all. And don't forget, you have not only truth on your side but also 'Hope'!
If my arse kicking services are needed...
Maybe I'll send Chicklet and she can shame them into being decent human beings. She'd make an awesome Jewish mother ;)... Oh wait, we're Irish, same thing.
Thinking of you today.
I think most of our policies provide for crawling to the hospital on our knees. Unless we get hit by a bus on the way. That would be pre-existing, since it happened on our way to the hospital.
I pray your evaluation was in YOUR Favor, my dear...What a mess our whole system is....OY VEY!
For you I say, OY OY OY OY.
What a fuckin world of medicine bullshit.
Ji. I'm just catching up. Great post, as usual. I hope it went well. I'll be awaiting the report.
am thinking of you xx
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