Over a foot 2 weeks ago, another 16 inches last Wednesday and now it's snowing again. Weather said it wasn't going to go like this, they must not have the same windows I have.
Yesterday was a beautiful day.
I got this shot of a peaceful scene because traffic was backed up. Backed up because snow banks have narrowed the lanes and someone wanted to make a left and no one would let them in so we all sat.

Most roads around here are one lane in each direction. Many of them have an added turn lane as they approach a busy intersection or a shopping center.
The turn lanes have been taken over by plowed snow ...

Thereby rendering virtually everyone incapable of making a turn on their own. People pull out blocking traffic, others just stop - apparently not sure if they can turn on red since they're not in the turn lane.
It's like monkeys at a 4 Way Stop without the entertainment value.
Speaking of animals - I hope the behemoth that made these tracks crushes every SUV and truck that doesn't have it's roof cleared. Particularly the Hummer Ho who accelerated like a loon to beat a red light and left 3 inches of snow on my windshield. And thank you to the asshat behind me who leaned on his horn to acknowledge that I stop for red lights and that I had to get out to clear my view. He was pre-honking in case I wasn't done by the time it turned green.

I am proud to say that I made it to the shopping center. I relaxed at the entrance while watching the brain trust that is NJ drivers navigate the ONE way only lane that is now blocked by snow.

Plowed snow has taken away a fair number of spots ...

So everyone just drives around aimlessly searching.
I went over to the "more parking here" lot since I'm not afraid to walk a little. It is connected to the shopping center by a staircase ...

Can't say I blame them for not clearing it. No one around here walks. If they can't drive-thru or park within spitting distance of the doors they just drive around like lost sheep.
Maybe their snow blower died like this one did ...

It is pretty though ...

and as always, there is Hope ...

taken Valentine's Day, Hope was dancing on Daddy as Nana (me) sang her operatic Hippopotamus song.
LOL PRE-HONKING! I love it! I see people like that all the time!
I can see that Hope was very impressed with your song! LOL
We didn't have that much snow, but in some parking lots, there are piles 6' high!
We've had snow here today again but nothing like you've got. You must be heartily sick of it by now.
Hope is getting more adorable by the minute. :)
we have piles of the stuff laying around. it's melting now and things are muddy! but you have Hope so you'll be OK! hang in there!
Yes the freshly fallen snow is quite pretty -no doubt about it. And yes, I even enjoy taking Sir Muttley (Sammy aka Chippy) for our little walks and do feel better after the fact for having done that too. For a variety of reasons -one of them being I hate cleaning messy stuff up off the floors ya know and walking him does help eliminate that as well as, hopefully, eliminate maybe a couple extra poundage on my backside too. But most definitely, the good thing about all of this and your post says it so well, "There's always Hope!" So glad your granddaughter ended up with that name, aren't you?
I had a comment ready when I saw photo #1 but as I read on, I began to nod my head and then laugh .. pouf the comment was gone .. I shook my head to see if it would fall out but alas it evaporated ... I wish the snow would evaporate ...
Driving in NJ is an adventure .. the signage truly sucks and most signs for turns or exits are misleading (no pun intended) and its the only place one has to go right to go left .. SIGH
Hope is gorgeous and I am sure she made her Daddy smile big with her dancing ...
Ah the brilliance of drivers in the snow..never ceases to amaze me...be safe
And those mountains of snow will still be there until the end of March, I'll bet! We got more, too, but we haven't been getting dumped on like you guys have. It's manageable... 6 inches or so.
Phew, I thought that throbbing vein in your head was going to burst.... and then along came Hope who makes all things right in the world again. Aahhh. You are sooo lucky.
You always manage to make us laugh, but I do feel your pain, Dianne. I'm kind of glad my car is still trapped back in the drive.
We did not have anything but a dusting this morning. Of course there's still the rest of the day, but I have hope. Of course, there was no mail pick up or delivery yet, and no one has picked up trash. they only made it through for the recycling so far and I didn't put that out. But it hasn't snowed again - yet.
Wow, those are some interesting pictures. I've never seen that much snow, let alone dared to get out in it. You are brave.
The ever shrinking roads, eaten up by the growing snow banks - yes remember those from Toronto. I hope it all melts soon.
LOL We go through that every year and the asshats never learn. Whether it's clearing the snow or frost off the windows so they can see, or planning ahead so they don't have to left turn, or just plain "I drive a 4X4, I fear nothing" when they should fear their own stupidity.
But it is pretty and will be gone long before ours ;) Hope is growing so fast!
Hope is getting more beautiful every day.
Snow in the country is beautiful, but you don't get roads cleared very fast. Snow in the city is awful, because there's no place to dump it.
Well, get your weapon of choice ready because there is more snow in the forecast for later this week :)
I'm with you on the roof-clearing. Massachusetts threatened to start ticketing people after several were killed by sheets of ice flying through their windshield.
Well, at least the trees and Hope are beautiful...(not necessarily in that order)
Hello Lady Dianne!
OK...Miss Hope looks like a little movie star in that last photo. I love how you framed it!
Also, I really like the tree shot above her. Gorgeous!
Yes, we too had snow today, however none of it stuck like the last snowfall. But of course I had to go grocery shopping this afternoon and almost fell on my ass from the ice on the sidewalk. And thank god I was holding two bags of heavy groceries or the blasted wind would have blown me to Jersey!
WOW, those huge foot prints in that snow shot look like they came from the Abominable Snowman!
Well, just think...pretty soon it'll be Spring then Summer, and then I'll be bitchin' about the HEAT!
Oy vey!
X ya, dear lady!
Come over to da beach:
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
great post BTW...
Snowing again here, too, at the moment but at least some people in Connecticut have figured out how to drive in the white slippery stuff. I actually had to drive the kid over to WalMart while it was snowing as she had to have a new sketchbook for art class tomorrow. Not my idea of a good time but at least it looked like most people were smart enough to stay home. Most people being all those who didn't have to schlep their kid over to WalMart!
I remember driving in New Jersey and can honestly say that I don't miss it in the least. Kudos to you for getting out there and for getting some great pictures along the way!
I don't think I could take it. Even if I had an SUV, which I totally would if I lived up there.
So, wanna run away to a seaside village in Mexico or Central America with me? No snow there. ;-)
We've been getting hammered as well. We have about 15 on the ground and hear that we may get another 4-8 on Saturday. Yippee!! Ugh. Cheers Di!!
What is it that turns drivers completely retarded in the snow? They must be retarded anyway and the snow just brings it out of them…like an epileptic with strobe lights. I don’t miss that crap, but I do miss the quiet solitude that comes with a heavy snowfall.
A thought, if you have been pre-honked can you then go and drive careless and carefree? Not that you would of course!
That is a lot of snow. It sure is pretty but a right royal pain too. It sound slike you have the same brain trust there that exhibited itself here when we had snow too!
I had someone doing the pre-honk thing to me on Tuesday ... (Lights though instead of honk)
Was taking my sick car the 20 miles to the garage, sticking to a 50mph max limit (very sick car). Had a loon ignore the outside lane so they could drive behind me at the same speed. Muppet shoulda been overtaking. I think they were too scared to.
I might have the snow fun tomorrow too :-) Lots of snow predicted and it's when I'll hopefully be picking the car up again ...
Oh my goodness - Hope is just so big and pretty!
Thanks for stopping by and thinking of me, Di. I miss you, but I just do not have time to visit blogs or post on my own. I'm thinking about shutting my blog down...
I'm still on the facebook - that's how I keep in touch with other bloggers - if you'll ever get your FB account.
Hugs from Ohio and stay warm,
Dianne the worst part of all that snow was that it had to go through Jersey while taking a well earned dump on DC.
Ya'll really ain't used to a big snow are ya? Shoot kiddo here when it gets three or four feet deep they still don't bring out the plows for the residential streets but we do have our own mad way of driving and there ain't no horn blowing going on. We don't like to let the guy irritating us know whats coming his way at 90 miles and hour.
It really is almost Biblical, isn't it? The Snow's just keep on coming...!
These are wonderful pictures Dianne..I get such a feeling of the Beauty AND The Frustration of trying to get around in all this white stuff.....
My experience with New Jersey drivers was---I use the past tense because it has been many years---WAS, a nightmare of Bad Driving...lol! Sounds like it is still that way, or is it just when it snows? Here, people do not know how to drive in the rain...!
Hope Brings HOPE!
Pre-honking cracked me up. You Amurikans! Great post.. and as always, a lovely photos of Hope.
I like your "stupid shit" label... LOL!
& I'm glad you keep your very funny sense of humor regarding navigating the traffic too! People not clearing off their roofs is a huge pet peeve of mine & guess who forgot to do my own - causing slush to pour down my own windshield at every red light. It was just a small amount, but still.
Hope does live up to her name... That sweet face gives me hope... though Joy would work too. We have been very lucky here in snow country this year. Hardly any. I look at these pictures an my already abundant gratitude gets even bigger.
Wow does this bring back memories. I'm so glad I don't live there anymore.
Hang in there Dianne, winter has to end soon.
And Hope, my goodness - when did she go and get all grown up looking?
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