It makes me say Oy ...

I would like to thank all of you for being so kind and supportive after Mia died.
I was nervous after Mia was gone. I kept looking for her. I guess I didn't realize how important family is. Mom person calls this a life lesson. She's all serious and spiritual that way.
Last Saturday I was minding my own business when Mom person came home with ...

Now I know Mom person has already told you all about the introductions so I'll just pick up from there.
First of all, I was worried about my stuff. This newbie was touching everything so I had to touch everything back.
Even the 'infiltrator' doesn't touch all my stuff ...

Look how she digs her claws in.
Newbie thinks she's clever. She watches me through the foliage, acting like she's looking at the ceiling.

Two can play that game. I know you can't see me behind my scratching post but I am there - waiting and watching.

She is always looking at me ...

It freaks me out sometimes. She's like a shadow ...

I am trying though. I even asked her what she wanted ...

Something tells me this isn't a high five ...

But fine, I am older and wiser. I will let it go. I will be Zen ...

I know the Mom person appreciates this because I have been getting all sorts of extra attention.
Mom person is even letting me announce newbie's name! That's big.
Because Newbie likes to dance - she runs on her toes. And because she wraps herself around Mom person like a big ole furry scarf her name is ...

Something about Mom person liking this human who lived a wild life and created new dances and wrapped herself in scarves and was all dramatic and stuff.
The vet helped Mom person calculate that Isadora was born in August, 2008. Mom person decided Isadora's birthday will be August 4th. It's the same day as President Obama and well, he's black and white too. And Mom person likes him a lot.
Isadora has a gum inflammation and her nose is all stuffed up. She got a shot yesterday and the vet says she will be fine soon. She's hiding right now and I don't know for sure when she'll pop up.
Let me tell ya, I'm dealing with a lot here ...

I hope you will visit PET PRIDE - they are all good friends to me.
Ah, the adjustments we have to make!! I was certainly not prepared to have Sam move in with Dad and me!! Sams Mom is cool she does lots of stuff for me, too. I know you miss Mia, but I know you'll do well enough with Isadora before long. And our Mom's birthday is August 4, too!! How about that! And she likes the President, too!! How about that!
Have fun!
Mojo the Most -- and me, too, Sam
Aww, Siren - you've got a heart as big as a bucket and I just know Isadora is going to be a good friend to you.
Absolutely wonderful. Things seem to be progressing nicely. I once had a cat with long white whiskers. Aren't they wonderful?
Oh, I love Isadora! Those green, green eyes! Siren tells a good story. Mom-person has taught her well.
I think I missed the introduction to Isadora. Will have to go back and check.
Love ya and that's that!
Hi Lady Dianne!
Another BRAVA Pet Pride Post!!!
Do you know what always amazes me about these posts?
I can actually HEAR the cats talking - I swear!
This was absolutely precious (yeah, I know, I say that about ALL of them), but they are!
Isadora! How PERFECT!!! I can just see her dancing and flying around your living room; dragging a blue chiffon scarf - HA!
oooo...and she's a Leo (August 4th) which means she's definitely a STAR!
Congrats on selecting a name, dear lady!
I LOVE it!
Thanks for another heartwarming post!
X ya's!
Oh Dear really have had a lot of adjustrents lately, but you are handling it all like the Great Great Feline that you are.....
hese are all such Sweet pictures of you and of Isadora and you....
Carry on, dear Siren---you are still the King Of The Walk, and now, you have a big admirer. That is all great!
Isadora is a beautiful name. It lends itself to a great nickname...Miz Iz, or perhaps Miss Iss.
Sounds like Siren is adapting fairly well.
Great writing - You got me to read cat words - how weird is that? I don't even talk to the cat that lives at my house. Well I guess that's not true, one can ear words like. "CAT!!! THE DOORS OPEN NOW GET!"
He keeps coming back...
Isadora is a great name. And from the look of her puffy tail, I'm pretty sure that you're right about that not being a high-five. You know a gal needs her space. But I do hope that you'll clue her in about how often that mom person will be using the flash on her camera. :)
What a great name! I'm sure the two of you will be friends, in time. Hugs to all of you.
I think Isadora is a great name, Siren. Please tell her I hope she gets better soon and I hope you'll settle down well together xx
Siren, I know it can be hard to adjust to a new housemate. Just think how Isadora feels. It's all new to her.
Awww, change is hard. Poor kitty.
Siren, lovely introduction of your new friend... Looks to me like you two are going to be great friends. I love her name. Like your Mom Person, I was a big fan of Isadora Duncan too.
I had missed the introduction of your new cat, so I had to go back and find it. What a beauty Chessie - Isadora- is! and I love your cat perspective.
Just don't for gawd's sake wrap a long scarf around her neck and send her out driving in an old English sports car!
What a delightful post! And Isadora is a great name.
You’re right; cats are the best at finding nirvana. They ARE the Buddha.
I love the name Isadora…especially for a cat. You have found the perfect name. And Isadora is really beautiful!!
Darn Frank for stealing my comment!
This is an adorable post, Di. I love Siren's commentary. I suspect that she and the adorable Ms. Duncan will be friends in no time.
Welcome to Isadora! I hope Siren enjoys her new friend.
Excellent name and is your responsibility to show her around now ya hear
Isadora .. I like that a lot ..and Siren, I am sure she will settle in ... she needs a big brother to help learn about the house and the Mom person .. you'll be a perfect big brother ...
Welcome Isadora!
sylvia - now August 4 is even more special!!
jablog - Siren does have a good heart, thanks :)
linda - she is wonderful :)
pagan - we are a family of storytellers ;)
love ya right back
ron - I love that you can hear them talking, that is exactly the effect I go for
old old lady of the hills - we are all doing our best to adjust :)
and we all send hugs to you
travis - I love Miss Iss!! thanks
anonymous - if he keeps coming back then he loves you
keep him in and be his best friend
cherie - that little exchange only lasted a few moments and then they went to separate corners
Isadora has been hiding since the vet visit so I think we have taken a few steps backwards
myMaracas - it will take some time, hugs back to you too
cg - I am happy with the name, now I need her to stop hiding
martha - Siren is being so good, especially for him
thanks :)
fermicat - no kidding!! ;)
raven - wasn't Isadora wonderful!! I'm so glad you like her too
linda r - I think I think better as a cat than I do as a person ;)
frank - that one nasty detail did dawn on me !!
and then I decided to forget about it ;)
lady fi - we are all so glad you enjoyed the post :)
scott - I wish I could acheive their ability to ignore others and to make time stand still
I have been trying to get Isadora to come out of the corner since 5 AM - nearly 7 hours and I am met with a stare and a blink
hil - that Frank, what are we going to do with him! ;)
mrs c - thank you :)
bond - so far she has shown him new places to hide, it's a conspiracy against me ;)
daryl - I'm an open book if they would only listen ;)
rob - thank you sweetie
Oh Siren, the things you've had to put up with lately. I am glad you are taking the Zen road with Isadora (btw, that is a great name) and I am sure in no time at all, you will be best friends. I'm sorry she has been under the weather, but that will clear up soon.
Hey Siren - congrats to you for taking the high road and being the Zen cat. The newbie, excuse me - Isadora - will learn eventually that the best way to coexist is to let you be the older and wiser cat while she's the newbie - no matter how many years you may have together!
Here's to new friendships and adopted sisters and lots of love by the Mom person for both of you!
Siren I think you and Isadora will become great friends, you're trying so hard. :)
Isadora! what a beautiful name...
Siren, bless your heart. I am so happy your Mom person brought Isadora home for you both to love. Mia must be smiling up in Heaven.
Thanks for sharing all these wonderful moments. You made me laugh & cry happy tears.
Such a delightful household you have!
Great post-
Aloha, Friend
Comfort Spiral
Well, I was seriously behind. I read back further than [Letters from] Linda. Your post made me think of my good cat who last year at 18 had to go on ahead[ of us]. This past week, my brother sent me a picture of her and it made me miss her more. God bless ya for adopting another one, and what a striking beautiful cat she is!!
Not as beautiful as your grandchild, I must say!
Hope you are persevering with the medical stuff. It can be very exhausting and annoying.
Born and raised in Jersey, I feel like a kindred spirit.
Hang in there, and wishing you great luck in that the two cats bond, or at the very least...respect each other's space.
There will probably be a hair raising experience or two!!
Siren, you are such a sweetheart. You are kind and generous and I'm sure Isadora will understand that in time. :o) Here's some extra hugs and cuddles for you because you deserve them!
It's always tough to get used to a new roommate, but it sounds like things are going pretty well. Hang in there!
love this story of life and changes all from the perspective of your kitty.
Oh dear, Siren. Hang in there and soon (at least we can HOPE soon) Isadora will be like family.
Hang in there Siren. You are such a great guy. Quiet a gentleman I might add. Give Isadora a chance. She'll figure it all out once she is feeling better. You two will be good friends!
Dianne I know it's late but I'm sorry for your loss, R.I.P Mia.
Welcome to the fold Isadora :) Enjoy each other.
Very cute, Dianne. And Isadora is a beauty.
August 4th is my anniversary. ;-)
Isadora is a fabulous name. I hope everykitty begins getting along soon.
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