He's a great guy. Quiet - a wonderful listener.
I'm not sure of his politics but I suspect he's a member of the Green Party.
Our time together was very pleasant. He's so easy going, as if we had an organic connection.
I could kick myself for not getting his number but hopefully he'll be at the garden next time I visit.
This could be the one.
How cute and definitely a keeper. I'd also say Green Party. Don't let him get away.
See if he has a brother for me ;)
super cute :)
What a good time for a quick visit.. you so made me laugh. Too cute.
I wish I could introduce you to Mr Lofty, who is my friend's scarecrow. Head made from a dead kettle. He looks like he used to play in Kraftwerk, I bet he'd have a few tales to tell.
what a witty woman you are...the two of you will make a wonderful couple.
Could be you've sown the seeds for a blooming good thing!
Um... I got this post in my dashboard without the picture and was popping over to offer congrats... lol...
Definitely a keeper! All the good points and none of the bad....
(Now, me, if I'd seen him, I would have felt like he'd make a cute post an I'd have snapped a picture -- but your wit puts this on a whole other level of blogging from my puny efforts! So funny!
Be careful. I believe he has feet of clay.
"I could kick myself for not getting his number but hopefully he'll be at the garden next time I visit. This could be the one."
Oh....I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Faaaabulous title!
X ya, dear lady!
Love his punk green hair which must mean he's a free spirit! I wonder if he has any roots to tie him down, though?
He is AMAZING! So very clever and creative....Downright inventive!
Maybe he IS the one.....(lol)
LOLOLOL!!! That's fantastic! Give him a kiss for me, will you? :D
It's like a Chia Pet on steroids. Fantastic!
Gotta love his athletic build!!! Great post!
Congrats on your POTW award
Holy crap I know that guy. He was there the last time I saw him, although he appears to have sunk lower in the ground.
Dude still owes me $25 for an eighth.
What fun!
He obviously loves to play in the dirt! :-)
Congrats on POTW!
I'm not so sure Diane, it looks like he has problems with his knees and he certainly doesn't keep his shorts clean.
What a cute idea!!
He's definitely a keeper! And I usually don't hang out with potheads, but in his case I'd make an exception. You are so talented, and this sure was fun! Good luck finding him again.
Snort .... the perfect man .. silent
Just be careful - he may be "fragile!"
Oh, he is ideal!
He looks a little empty headed to me
Any man that doesn't talk sounds perfect!
You can never trust the potted silent type. If you aren't careful they will dump all over you. But ont he bright side, their up keep is minimal, water once a day with their favorite drink and now ant then get a little naughty by pulling on their weeds. That's about it and ya'll should be fine.
And remember: whatever you plant inside him is liable to grow so plant carefully. ;0
Ha. I lke that. Cheers Di!!
Hi My Dear...That painting you admired behind Kim's head is by a wonderful artist named Arnold Mesches...It is a portrait of his mother. I went to a show of his at a special place here in Los Angeles--Barnsdall Park, and Hollyhock House, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and I saw this painting and told him I had to have it. It wasn't for sale, but he said he would sell it to me. That was about 25 years ago or so, and I still love it just the way I did when I first saw it....I think it is a great little painting! Glad you like it, too, my dear.
Hahaha! Careful, Dianne. I think he's a "pot head." ;)
Maybe he is resting from his last grand adventure ...
That is awesome. I love creative garden art.
Ha! That's a good one!
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