This weekend I was back at the park and guess what I discovered!?
Mrs. Pothead ...

Poor dear. There she is toiling away in the garden totally oblivious to hubby's flirty cheaty ways.
Now I hate to paint all male garden sculptures with the same brush. Far be it for me to generalize and encourage stereotypes.
But ...
Some PotHeads are just dogs.
I love it! And what a great way to start my day/week! Damn those PotHeads anyway! Hope your week is off to a good start, too, Dianne!!
And they never have their heads screwed on tight. lol
OMG! So I'm wondering if all the other terrible things we were told about Pot Heads in school are true too?
What did I tell you - feet of clay!
Looks about right. don't we do all the work?
Amazing what can be done with extra pot(s)!
You have the best sense of humor, after ToonMan's of course.
Some of my best friends are potheads
Typical male! ;)
LOL! That's priceless! What imaginative folks.
You crack me up girl!
There goes all your hopes of being Mrs. Pothead... up in smoke. It was all a pipe dream anyway.
Oh Di -- that's so sad -- I hope your heart isn't too broken!
(She's awfully cute even in her apron -- quite a temptation for Mr P....)
I think she looks to good for him, like she's propped up and highly maintained.
Hyuk, hyuk, snort! Very cool pictures to make us realize that PotHeads are pretty amazing. Especially these guys.
sylvia - thanks :) today has been a noce day, the weather here is amazing
queen size funny bone - no they never do, we end up holding it for them ;)
jay - I doubt it. I think it's just NJ ;)
linda - you did warn me, thankfully I was playing hard to get anyway
ellen - it is funny that the female sculpture is working and the male is lounging LOL
nitebyrd - my problem is I always use up all my pot(s) ;)
daryl - that is a wonderful compliment - thanks
vinny - me too!! but not this guy LOL
akelamalu - I'm thinking I should warn Mrs PotHead but I'm waiting to find out if there are any little pots
lisa - this park does some wonderful displays
noe noe - I try lady, I try
hilary - you kill me
sallie - I was guarding my heart, something about him didn't seem right from the start
micky - good point
maybe he has money?
DJan - glad you enjoyed :)
Oh my - this is funny!
A match made in dirt. Cheers Di!!
Creative and very funny, Dianne! How is Hope? :)
Makes you wonder if he will hang around when the passel of little potheads are under potfeet or will he look for another lady pothead or that nice lady with the camera.
Think you were lucky.
Poor Mrs Pothead -- hard at work while her husband is slacking off.
What fun! I love Mrs. Pothead!
Oh dear, not another man with clay feet!
can do much better!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Oh my God that is so awesome! I know from experience that you are a heavy pothead, it sucks to live alone. The dirty dishes start to congeal to your skin while you are asleep.
I’m Back Baby!
Yes, Dianne, I think Wayne was a bit taken aback and didn't know what to do.
Very cute!!
LOL, LOL...Ain't it the truth!!!
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