There has been much discussion of hats ...
Queen Mom was known for her feathered hats
I love this photo
Only the Queen can make matchy-matchy work
Some of The Princesses ...
Eugenie and Beatrice
More Beatrice because I love this hat
And of course Diana
A Viscount falls between a Baron and a Count in British peerage - all I know is that their wives will not be ignored ...
The soon to be Princess ...
On my side of the pond royal hattery is a bit different ...
We have ...
Queen of Soul
Queen of Old Guard Republicans before ...
... Queen of Bat Shit Crazy
Queen of Style
Church lady hats make any woman a Queen

Queen of Drag
Lady of GaGa
Outside of the realm of royalty-ness ...
Societies of Red Hats
Cats in Hats
Cats as Hats
I'll be up at 4 AM with a big batch of Mimosas, wearing nothing but a Hat.
Our hats pale in comparison, though we do have Jackie and I thought Aretha at the inauguration was spectacular! Balance that with the Queen of Bat Shit Crazy ( LOVE that!)
I am so looking forward to the wedding! I am reminded of Diana, of course, but also of the fact that Diana an I were the same age and at the last Royal Wedding I was so young and now I am ...not young!
Enjoy tomorrow!
OK you've made my evening!! Love all your pictures -- and make sure you take one at 4AM with the Hat and Mimosas!!! It is pretty stupid shit, isn't it?? Have a great weekend, Dianne! Hugs to Hope!
*thunderous applause*
What a FLAWLWESS post, Dianne!
"Church lady hats make any woman a Queen"
And I ADORE the Cats as Hats!
"I'll be up at 4 AM with a big batch of Mimosas, wearing nothing but a Hat."
You GO, girl!
X to you and the gang!
Ron has expressed my sentiments, exactly. Enjoy the 4 am doings. With any luck I'll be asleep. Though I was awake @ 4 am last night during a paper writing marathon. Tonight, I get to recover. Only one more paper, in a subject that I will be delighted to write about, in contrast with last night's paper. And I have until 3 PM Monday. Seems like a lifetime. I've picked up my regalia (with that stupid looking hood and parts on the robe that look like they're for extra appendages). Now, I remember why I've avoided my last couple of graduation ceremonies. LOL (Yes, I have to sleep. I'm slap happy. Better hide my phone before I call up old boyfriends. lol) ;)
Great post! About the 4:00 AM thing, maybe a pic of just the hat, unless you were kidding about wearing only a hat.
I will record the pagentry to watch a bit later, since it starte at 1:00 AM here on the west coast.
I will wear a hat and order tea when I go to Friday breakfast with friends at 8:30.
Oh, god, you made me laugh.
hats as head ornaments. I think I prefer our royalty.
Okay, that just got plain silly. Stop that!
Heh...actually, many thanks for the laugh! It was the perfect pick-me-up that I really needed. :-)
Hats off to young couples
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
20 pictures posted. I'm impressed with the dedication to uploading.
That was just painful and was rounded off with kitty butt - yuck!
Just so you know. I think that was maybe my most favorite comment ever.
Will you be able to watch the wedding today Dianne?
Oh Dianne! Loved this post today! Especially the Queen of Bat Shit Crazy. Ain't that just the truth though?
And those hats -where DO they get them and more so, where in blazes do they get the audacity to wear 'em.
Oh and Maya just stopped by to look at my screen -open to your post -and asked me this "Gram, how did your Facebook page get purple?" I told her it isn't my Facebook page but rather is the blog of a friend of mine. Mandy giggled and said she had been wondering the same thing about the color too. At least I know they're paying attention to something I do, huh?
HA...Hope you enjoyed the wedding and thanks for calling in last night Hot Stuff. Cheers!!
Eugenie and Beatrice did not disappoint, they both wore amazingly odd hats .. I do think Camilla's was the biggest ... Kate's gown was simply elegant but I would kill for her sister Pippa's gown and figure!
I just watched the Royal Wedding and thought it was wonderful. Very proud to be British right now :) However, some of the fascinator hats were a bit weird and looked like they had been stapled to the ladies foreheads!
BK :)
Glad you found my new home Dianne and great to see you there! :) Thanks for the visit!
Girl you crack me up! Love this post.Diana will always be my favorite princess. I was up watching the wedding too!
I was up and watched the pre wedding stuff until the point where Kate showed up, so I could see the gown. That was 4:00 here, then I went to bed. I will watch the rest later. My cat is usually a neck warmer, only in bed is he a hat ;)
This post scared the crap out of me.
I could use a batch of mimosas to calm me down.
Hey, where's Cher?? :-D
Queen of batshit-hahahaha!
now I feel like we (meaning us Americans) should all get in on this scene. what fun.
Too funny. You have quite the flair for hat humour.
lOL amazing idea, love this post!
Thank you for your most recent comment - well I was at *a* wedding on Friday, a somewhat smaller affair though :) Managed to catch a glimpse of W&K's wedding while we were setting up for the real wedding of the year!
OMG Di! I'm late reading, but its not too late to laugh out loud. This is the funniest post I've read in ages. Thanks. Great post.
And hats off to you for a great post! Even though I didn't watch any of the royal wedding, I did spend some time on Saturday looking through photos of the guests and a lot of their great hats. I don't know why but I think that people who have the guts to wear an outrageous hat are to be admired being as how a hat is rather hard to hide!
Honestly, I don't think we colonials do hats anywhere near as well as our British peerage - except maybe for the Cat in the Hat who always looks fine!
Queen of Bat Shit Crazy... hahaha!
I love royal things... their hats and weddings and other juicy tidbits.
I was up early and watched the whole event. Beautiful gown, lovely young woman, handsome hubby. Delightful, all of it!
I was up at 2AM but with coffee!!!
Enjoyed the event I did!!
Congrats on your POTW award
Congrats on you POTW as it is well deserved. Such a nice review of what some people call "fashion" and I call insecurity.
I admire the fact that they all are happy wearing these hats. I am a man of many hats, such as my lucky fishing hat my daughter took over.
That was hilarious and fun to read. Well done! Congrats on your POTW. :)
we did mimosas as well (but with jammies on!). Love the collection of hats! Congrats on POTW!
Hi Dianne - Congratulations on your potw, and your post did make me laugh, as did Lime and her "blue vulva hats." Heh, heh.
But I will reprise a bit something I said to her. When I see those hats, it just makes me angry in the end. You know, I can count one (1) relative of mine who did not hail from England, Ireland, or Scotland. I still have many over there, where budget-cutting "austerity" is just as much the rage as it is here.
And beyond that, over a billion people survive on less than $400/year. The message is clear: a billion people must starve, so that we can have our hats.
Horrible, ugly hats, costing thousands, to be worn once and never again, by folks just as inbred as any bunch of fictional hillbillies. Hillbillies with posh accents and money. It's a metaphor for something.
Damn socialist killjoy, huh? ;-) Well, I'll still join you in a good laugh at the hats. As for the heads under them? Well, guillotines save a lot of money on headwear. Just ask the French.
Oh dear! There will always be a Cricket, won't there. Though I have to agree that a good 80% of them are ready to be put out to pasture: Barring Sarah and Andrew and the girls, who constantly remind us what useless, tasteless and ridiculous wastes of space they are.
I sat down with Milou [dog] on the pretence that he was not well and wanted my company,, and did not move for four hours. An ardent devotee of Diana and ambivalent about the RFamily I arose glowing with pride at our ability to create great occasions. Loved everything and shed a tear because Diana should have been there to see the son she loved so much, marry a great, ordinary girl.
And the dress....! Wow!
I am over here from Hilary's POTW to congratulate you on your addition, well done. This post is hilarious.
I enjoyed the whole damn thing...LOVED the Music in Westminister, and those Cherub fsces of the boys singing...
I hear that Will and Kate are coming to Los Angeles in July...No doubt visiting the Beckhams....! I would ask them to Tea, but, I don't know!
And talk about Hats....Beatrice' was the Best!
Oh, Dianne, you have my undying affection forever and ever with your wry title for HRH Palin. Fantastic post! Blog on, Baby!!! And congrats on POTW.
You made me laugh out loud...esp the Sarah Palin one!!
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