Sunday, April 27, 2008

Project Green: Mia is the critter in my camera

Always searching for the biggest bang for my blogger buck I’m once again combining two projects.

Project Green will be ending soon and I still have a few shots I want to share. Not that you can’t share them even after the project is over but it feels a bit like continuing to drink after you get home from the party – done that too.

Please check out all the wonderful photography at Anna’s place

Meanwhile over at Misty’s Place ‘Camera Critters’ has been going on for a couple of weeks and I’ve wanted to participate since week 1. I visit Misty every day, even if I don’t comment (sorry Misty – I’ll do better), just to see the beautiful face of Maggie Mae and to check out all the dogs that keep her sane. Misty loves her furry buddies as unconditionally as they deserve.

So here is Mia in all her one green eye glory. She is half hiding behind a sofa because she smells Siren all around her but doesn’t know where he is.



Raven said...

What a wonderful project green offering! I just love it! I'll have to check out the critters link too. Happy Sunday! Purrs to Mia and Siren.

Shelly said...

Cool photo..absolutely love it, and great for green! Heading over to check out that critter blog, thanks for the heads-up. ;)

Dianne said...

Happy Sunday to you too Raven and to Tara Grace and Angel.

shelly - you're going to love Misty's place and all the critters.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mia is pretty! Dickens hides like that from Gunner too!

Misty DawnS said...

Mia is a very pretty kitty! Being black and white, she'd match my doggies!!!

The Quiet Rage said...

Love the pic of the cat

Dianne said...

thanks tamy! the best part of Mia is she doesn't know she's pretty, she thinks she's fierce - all 6 pounds of her!

she would match Misty LOL
but I fear all she'd do is hiss and howl at them, she doesn't like making fur friends but she adores people.

thank you quiet rage, Mia loves having her pic taken.

Jane Hards Photography said...

The green in the eye amazing. I think it should be cats not critters day, somany today. Lovely shot.

Unknown said...

Very Cool photo!

CG said...

Hello gorgeous Mia, you look very beautiful today!!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh she is gorgeous with a beautiful green eye. Nice shot

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

what a pretty girl

Jay said...

She looks ready to attack! ;-)

Dianne said...

babooshka - thank you so much. I'm especially happy that you think Mia's eyes are pretty because she has had so much trouble with them. She is still on meds, though not as often, for all kinds of infections. Poor thing was sick and dehydrated and weighed less than 5 pounds when I got her. I am thrilled that she is doing so well.

thank you john!

cg - do you think Basil wants a girlfriend? Mia says thanks.

lilli & nevada - thank you :)
she is a pretty old girl. and to think I didn't even think the shot would come out because she was hiding.

Dianne said...

awwww thanks me and my puppies! Mia is going to become a diva if I show her all these comments :)

jay - that's why I call her tiny but fierce! she must have learned a few things when she was on the streets because man can she hiss and growl. but the funny, and sad, thing is - she's really more anxious than aggressive.

Jeni said...

I love when you post pics of Siren and Mia -you always manage to get shots that seem to show their personality -right along with their beauty. Great pic, Kid!

the walking man said...

I hope the dog that killed a bear, never comes in contact with your cat.

"that's why I call her tiny but fierce! she must have learned a few things when she was on the streets because man can she hiss and growl. but the funny, and sad, thing is - she's really more anxious than aggressive."

can a dog and a cat be twins?



I do like that shade of green!

bobbie said...

That photo of Mia is gorgeous! What a beautiful green eye!

Dianne said...

thanks jeni! - I'm working on their "getting to know each other" slideshow. I've captured some great shots.

mark - I used to have a cat named jinxie - he was very long and very black and he glared a lot. He would walk on a leash. At the vet's office he would stare and then hiss, just once, and all the dogs would stop barking and sit down. The vet was so amazed he videotaped it and used to play it on a loop on the waiting room VCR!
My most wonderful of all furkids - JR - preferred to play with dogs and would make "wuff" sounds with them.
My long winded response to your question :)

bobbie - now that she feels better I think she's enjoying having her photo taken - thanks.

Jo said...

Aw, pretty kitty! I love the expression on her face. I had a pair of pants in the 70's that matched her eyes.

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Oh, I love this picture!

Minnesotablue said...

What fabulous eyes. She sure is a beauty

storyteller said...

Thanks for you visit to (and comment on) my 2nd Camera Critters post at Small Reflections. Like you I tend to ‘double’ up (sometimes even triple or quadruple up) on Blog Posts … so I think it’s nifty the way you combined Project Green with Camera Critters this weekend. Mia is beautiful … what an amazing green eye! That photo is PERFECT!
Hugs and blessings,

Dianne said...

jo - I've come to call that expression her 'Silent Suffering' look. Poor Siren - she just wants nothing to do with him. At least here she wasn't hissing and growling.

sandpiper - thanks!!

minnesotablue - I can't tell you how happy I am that her eyes have healed. She was so miserable just a few weeks ago.

hugs to you too storyteller, and thanks for such kind words.

Pepper said...

What a pretty kitty. Cats are my favorite animal. Is her eye really that green?

Leighann said...

I think she's secretly plotting Siren's demise!

Natalie said...

Of course, this Auntie loves the picture of sweet "fierce" Mia! You definite need to post more close ups. I thought she was gray and white, but in this photo she appears closer to brown with some even lighter highlights. Gorgeous!

Anndi said...

There's something about a cat's eye...

Dianne said...

pepper - No, her eyes are usually darker but they change a lot. It's been hard to know what color they usually are as they were infected when she first adopted me and she usually has medicated gel in them. This particular day was a clear day.
thanks for visiting.

leighann - I fear you may be right!!

Auntie Magnetbabe - she is predominately gray and white but she does have some amazing lowlights and highlights. It's hard to get close-ups of her because her eyes bother her so the flash freaks her out and she won't look up in natural light. This was a good eye day so I was able to get close, I hope there will be more. Mia sends hugs.

anndi - isn't that true!! thanks for stopping by

Carletta said...

I love this! Great Green Project.

I have # 8 up today and will post my last official one tomorrow. But I have others too - it's been a good ride.

Sharon said...

This is a wonderful picutre, your cat is georgous! It was a perfect combo.

Thanks for stopping by my place.

Dianne said...

carletta - I'm going to put my last green up tonight or tomorrow as well. It's been great fun and one of the best things was finding blogs like yours.

sharon - thanks so much!! I love your place :)

Odat said...

What a beautiful photo!!! Wow!

Dianne said...

thanks Odat!!

Heart of Rachel said...

Mia is a lovely cat. I love her green eyes.

Dianne said...

heart of rachel - thanks! I'm so happy Mia found us.

Newt said...

Cute kitty. I love the angle of the picture.