I took this shot last Wednesday while wandering around Red Bank, NJ. I couldn't believe I found a place to park and took it as a sign to stop and take some photos.
Red Bank is a beautiful town. This shot was taken at a park that overlooks the river. You can gaze upon the same views that Bruce and Bon Jovi are gazing at, from the other side of course.
The top level of the park's plaza has this incredible mural running along one entire side - half a city block long. I loved the colors of this patch of mural and the way the paving stones and lamp posts just lead up to and then blend with the mural.
Hope you like Red Bank - I'm happy with a few shots I took there so you'll probably being seeing more.
Please go by Creative Photography and check out all the other photographers.
More, More, we want more! LOL Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a wonderful day!
At my old job, I was in Red Bank too many times to count and found is so incredibly LOVELY!!!
What a great picture!
The mural is just amazing :o)
Wow... What a great photo - I love the angle - and what a gorgeous mural. Looks like such a lovely place, not at all what most people think of when they think New Jersey. It's really a shame that many of us (especially former New Yorkers/Manhattanites) think of New Jersey as all those grim industrial sites that you pass through leaving NY. Great photo! I decided to try creative photography this week too. It's making me very anxious for some reason. Sigh.
I enjoy Trump Loi so much I had to de-lurk so that I could let you know how much I enjoyed this photo!!
That mural is awesome. I think cities need to commission MORE artists to create murals. I love them.
Wow, the colors just pop out and the angle is great. I haven't visited Red Bank, but maybe someday!
Raven is right, as an NY'er, I had a pretty dim view of NJ, but I know that there is more than I think in my little mind. Thanks for helping me better appreciate the Garden State!
Great shot. I'd love to visit the easterm US someday. For now, I'll just enjoy the photos. Good luck!
Nice shot - great shadows. The mural is incredible, I really like how the artist created depth and perspective...very cool.
That is an awesome picture and now I want to move there!
Bruce and John don't hurt the scenary either ;)
for the people - thanks!! there will be more :)
emily - hey! haven't seen ya for a while. Red Bank is lovely. I have to come by and catch up.
ivanhoe - thanks! I tried to have the photo do justice to the art.
raven - before I moved here I was one of those people - I'm sooooo ashamed ;)
there are so many lovely towns and beaches and boardwalks.
I was anxious the first time too - something about the words 'creative' and 'contest' BUT I'm so glad I did. I've met so many great folks and I'm learning new ways to see things.
what a great sight, and wonderfully captured.
Dana - thanks!! It's sexy when you de-lurk ;)
jay - I agree! I wish there was a way to show the whole effect! I was there at an off time - during lunch/after work/weekends there are often lines of people trying to see the mural close up. Like an outdoor art gallery.
snoopmurph - it would be so great to meet ya when you come back east!! As I mentioned to Raven I was one of those NYers and I'm glad to show the side people should see.
sandee - and I wish I could spend more time in the west lol
maybe we should trade places :)
shelly - so glad you like the photo. I could not find any info about the artist(s) - I have to do more research. The depth of the mural is amazing.
starr - we looked at a few homes Red Bank 'adjacent' - the closest we could afford was several exits 'adjacent' LOL
Bon Jovi used to have a huge American flag draped across the front of his garage (which is bigger than my house) but he quickly realized that people now knew which house was his!! I've never seen him around but have met his wife and kids, they're so nice!
I also ran into Bruce at a diner - he was driving a van and trying to get screaming kids to eat breakfast - it was so cool. I left him alone and, for my trouble, got a wink and a wave and a tip of his baseball cap when he was leaving. I remember saying 'I'll never wash my eyes'
Lord I ramble
Love the picture, creative indeed!
thank you juliana!
thanks aunt babe LOL
Love Red Bank...so many places in NJ that people do not know of, since they only think of NJ as a Turnpike and Gas storage containers
Oh thats pretty i remember i also have a shot that the wall have art...
Absolutely gorgeous! What a fabulous way to add a little color!
Dianne, this is absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful painting of colorful stores and buildings! Great angle! Good Luck!
Wow! Who knew? I've never been to Red Bank.This is neat. Very nice photo.
Dianne, I have 2 awards for you... come visit me!
gish i had to look at it three times before i noticed the whole pic was was the mural~~great shot of a great mural
bond - I know! the first time I went to Red Bank after first moving here I was so pleased, it was as nice if not nicer than going out to Hamptons!
thanks genny :) I love wall art
RLL - isn't it great! I can't believe how many times I didn't pay attention to it - I see so much more with a camera in my hand
mary - the entire mural is breathtaking! I have other shots for Ruby Tuesday and for the next CP.
bobbie - if you ever venture north I will be your guide and buy you lunch :) and bring Lisa!
charlene - that's what I love about the mural - it fits in so well. The walkway and little row of greenery are real!!
Oooh colourful! I'd love to be able to do something like that on the back of my house. Might annoy my neighbours, but I'd love it!
I love muralsand this is a grand one.
A blank wall can make foe the best canvas...too bad you don't see murals in more cities to distract from the blight.
Life size art! And the brick walk and landscaping work so well. Wish it was in our town (and there is a wall downtown that could use a mural).
Di thats a beautiful place and a great shot! Very nice, thank you for your Creative Photography submission.
WoW!! i NEVER KNEW STUFF LIKE THIS WAS OUT THERE. i'VE NEVER BEEN THAT FAR NORTH...sO i'M THINKING i REALLY NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. ( sorry..didn't know it was capped)what a goob I am today..ha
Great pic dianne!
Do you know how many times I've been to Red Bank and I've never seen that. It's gorgeous!
VERY nice shot, Dianne. It's been probably 30 years since I was in NJ. :)
Thanks for your kind comment on my photo for the contest. :)
Be blessed!
Gorgeous. Show us more of Red Bank. Makes me want to go there.
A mural on the wall makes the place stand out and that's one nice mural we're talking about :)
Good luck!
What a lovely shot! Red Bank most definitely looks like a very nice place!
Good luck with the contest!
Oh Wow Dianne! That is a very colorful and interesting photo. I have never seen a wall painted like that. Love, love, love it.
Good Luck Sweetie! I think you may have a winner here!!! :-)
Beautiful and so colorful!!
hilary - if it's the back of your house would the neigbors care :)
queen size funny bone - I like murals too :)
ralph - Red Bank has a lot of affluent residents and businesses and I think their business alliance pays for a lot. Our town doesn't do as much and when we do it takes a month of meetings :)
thanks roger :)
tt - "goober" LOL
I think you need to view the great NE :)
womensdaily - that's usually the way :) we don't notice what's close to home, plus it's hard to notice if you're in the car - Red Bank traffic is a bit chaotic.
lori - I've only been here 5 years and so much has changed.
pagan - we're not that far! just sayin lol
glad you like the photo
napaboaniya - thanks. the mural gets a lot of visitors, especially on the weekend.
thanks linda - it is a nice place, the closest to Greenwich Village without going to NYC
kimmie - thank you, you're so very kind to me all the time :)
kenju - I know! the color is amazing. and up close the texture is equally wonderful.
Lovely photograph! I think I should start walking around my town and taking photographs of the cool stuff around here...
Thanks for commenting on my Ruby Tuesday post! Red eyeshadow is shocking, isn't it? I'd say you'd probably want to go with very neutral/light lip. I can't remember what color of lip gloss I wore... but I'm guessing none. Hmmm. I'm not a lip gloss sort of person, usually.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I looooove well done murals like that. Another winner, Di. Cheers!!
Oooo pretty! I love murals.
elise - Definitely take a walk around town :) It's fun to see things in a fresh way. I loved your RT shot, it was beautiful - you're beautiful.
Please consider joining in on Creative Photography - you're very good and it's fun.
thanks matt-man!!
tink - and it's so cool in person, it's huge!
beautiful image, Dianne. Not just the mural itself, but your photo of it. Great angle.
I love the mural. The colors are just wonderful. Reminds me of murals we saw in Mexico. Your photgraphy is SWEET!
That's really very nicely done !
thank you jood! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that
minnesotablue - it really is one of the nicest murals I've ever seen. You're SWEET :)
thank you gattina :)
I love Red Bank. What a great photo!
Hi Dianne! This is so beautiful. Red Bank looks like a little town that I would enjoy very much. I love how the lamppost shadow is on the mural. Or is that in the mural? Lisa
I can see why you had to stop and take pictures! Such colour, especially against the blue sky :) What a wonderful way to brighten up a neighbourhood.
So glad I stopped in today because I wouldn't want to have missed that interesting photo you have posted! I'll be looking for more!!
Great shot of a great mural, Dianne!
If you ever visit Philly, be sure to bring your camera...there are a plethora of magificent murals!
And mosaics!
Thanks for this share.
What a great photo...sounds like a cool place!
I love to see murals on public buildings. I wish we could have some done in our town (as Ralph said).
It's an old mill town and could use some beautification, but I love it anyway.
This is a big mural - half a block, wow!
Nice entry for Creative Photography.
Good luck in Roger's contest!
That is gorgeous!
Hey I know that town!!! LOL.
Great shot!
karen - glad you like the shot! thanks. when we first moved here I was having a bit of culture shock - no sidewalks, no interesting little shops. And then I found Red Bank!
lisa - the lamp post is real and is casting a wonderful shadow, thanks. I told Bobbie that I'd love to give her a tour and buy her lunch and I'd love for you to come along too! Right up the Pawkway ;)
bobkat - thanks! It's as though the camera has become my date - it takes me to all the coolest places.
junie - thank you! I love when you stop in.
ron - thanks, glad you like the photo. I would love to visit Philly, you're so close.
cg - thank you :)
I have to go back and get some shots of the main street, sweet little shops (and bars!!) and lovely paving stones.
patti - I could just picture how beautiful a mural would look on the side of an old mill factory building. Do you ever go to town meetings? I've been going to ours and I often bring up open space issues and well - they're getting used to me LOL
thank you tammy!
odat - well now that explains it!! I saw a sign that said "Odat was here - Peace" - I thought it was such a coincidence ;)
I love it when towns paint murals on buildings. Some of the small towns around here set up sign posts so you can take a walking tour and see them all.
Great capture Dianne. I love the shadow play from the other side of the street.
reb - what a great idea to have a tour of the murals!
I love the shadow play too, thanks reb :)
Wonderful .. I am glad you found a parking spot too ...
I love traveling and I love sharing so its my pleasure to travel and share my adventures .. next trip ... well I am not sure where but I hope its soon ..
daryl - ahhhh I know you understand the virtues of finding a place to park!! lol
I'm hoping to travel a bit this fall.
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