It's Tuesday so that means it's time for Ruby Tuesday. Isn't it clever how that works out.
Go over to 'Work of the Poet' to see more RED
This bike rack sits near the entrance to a park.
Go over to 'Work of the Poet' to see more RED
This bike rack sits near the entrance to a park.
Happy and fun pics with great cropping!
It's a work of art, that bike rack. Although the shape of this lets you know what it's for, when I was a kid and rode the bike everywhere, I knew what a bike rack was. Or a tree worked okay for a bike stand.
When i was really young, nobody i knew used a lock on their bikes. They were there when we came back.
My Columbia single speed was also red. Now I feel old!
What an infinitely cool and decorative bike rack! And how gracious of them to do it in red. Super Ruby Tuesday. And the nice red brick too. Good photos.
oh awesome!!! very cool - thanks for sharing!
so sorry i have been gone - but i am back now - YAY!
i promise to do better!
Who would dare park a yellow bike on Ruby (Red) Tuesday in that pretty red bike rack! Takes nerve!
Happy Tuesday Dianne, thanks for peeking in on our Independence Day Parade.
Good eye for Ruby! that is a fun find and a nice photo! Happy Tuesday...
Great use of red. Love the crop job also.
Great shots!
Love the first one - the framing on it is perfect.
A really great find for Ruby Tuesday.
What a fantastic bike rack! Very clever design! Dianne, thanks for participating and making Ruby Tuesday so successful. :)
That is such a rad bike rack! I wouldn't want to hook my dirty old bike up to such a purdy thing. :)
Very cool rack... if only I had a Red bike!
Really unique bike rack. I like it, and a good pic. for Ruby Tuesday!
How cool, they made the bike rack into an art with purpose :o)
We saw bike racks like that in Vancouver (or was it Victoria). I love the way form and function intertwine to create street art.
yrsa - thank you! I worked a bit on the cropping, appreciate the feedback.
ralph - my town is pretty good about property safety. the rack really only holds 2 bikes so a lot of the kids just leave their bikes at the top of the lane. I have to try a get a shot of that one day, it looks like someone played Dominoes with a bunch of bikes.
thanks ilanadavita!
raven - there's been bits of red brick thru-out this week's RT and I love it. Red brick is such a warm material.
a-licious - welcome back!! glad you like the photo, I'll be by to see gorgeous updates on beautiful baby boy :)
LOL jim! some people have no sense of style ;)
ellen b - I have passed that rack so many times and never thought twice - isn't it great how RT makes us really notice color and form!?
orangelwings - thank you! very much :)
carletta - and more wonderful feedback! thank you - makes me want to just keeping getting more and more into my photos
thank you mary!! I love RT and dare I say - I'm starting to like red more and more LOL
chica - I bet the contrast of an older bike and the lines of this rack would make for a great shot!!
to confess - this park is so pretty and up-scale that I didn't want to park my dirty old car there ;)
willthink4wine - I don't think my back could handle a bike anymore. I get tired in the car lol
thank you becky and gary :)
ivanhoe - it is pretty cool, thanks :)
robin - great way to describe it. with just a bit of imagination so many routine things can be art
glad you like it
I love red! When I was younger my mother always chided me for wearing all dark colors. As I got older I discovered RED> Luv it!
That's kinda cool - is it sculpture or is it a bike rack? Probably both - a little utilitarian art never hurt anyone!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
What an interesting bike rack. It's so shiny -- it must be relatively new. Great find for Ruby Tuesday.
Very cool pics. You are totally creative.
Great photos, the colors just pop! Neat bike rack, it's like functional art. I stopped cycling when I took up rollerblading...looking at your photos makes me want to buy a bike. Maybe a two-seater & I can sit in the back & make Rene do all the peddling :P
I've been seeing a lot of bike racks the past few weeks and that is one of the best I have seen and RED, too....and against a red brick wall!
minnesota - that's much like the way I discovered purple!!
tink - it is both! and it just sits there on the sidewalk right near the park entrance. someone told me there are others, dotted all over town - how funny I never paid it any attention until I started looking for red.
bobbie - a local business 'adopted' it, similar to the highway program and they keep it spiffy. :)
karen - thanks so much!!
jo - I could so see you on a shiny red bike :)
I could also see you in the sidecar lol
glad you liked the colors, I tinkered a bit. teaching myself Photoshop - Lord it's convuluted!
amber star - I wonder if seeing more bike racks is because there are more of them in response to gas prices. I have noticed a lot more bikers on our side roads.
I'm so glad you liked the photos, thanks.
What a great use of the prompt! Very original.
Nice one! It does look a lot like a sculpture.
The bike rack is creative. A great answer to the usual eyesore. We have these in Waikiki, ut they're black. I think the red has so much more "pop".
Nice shot of a mundane item like a bike rack.
It has an interesting design, and resembles a sculpture, as Bobbie said.
(When you get here late all the good comments are already taken.)
Cool sculpture - great shot for Ruby Tuesday. :D
That is a really neat looking bike stand! I've never seen one like that before.
That's a great bike stand! Lovely photos too.
I wonder how many others sing 'Ruby Tuesday' every Tuesday now. It drives me mad ;O)
I love that picture! It's wonderful when we find beauty in useful every day things.
Hey Dianne!
Very nice shade of red on that bike rack! My last truck was that color, I loved it! Love the contrast of the yellow against the red. You have a great eye for cool shots! :-)
P.S. I left you a comment in the Mia post also.
That's a cool looking bike rack...I mean, as far as bike racks go. Cheers Di!!
A first that I've seen bicycle racks like those :) Nice red they have painted it with!
I just LOVE these Ruby Tuesadays, Dinane!
What a freaking cool SHOT!
I love how the rack mirrors the bike!
God...I can't even recall the last time I was on a bike.
(gee...I wonder if I still remember how to ride one!?!?)
Thanks for the photo share, Dianne!
Ultra cool bike rack acting as sculpture... or vise versa. Wonderful capture for RT!
That is the coolest bike rack I've ever seen.
A beautiful bicycle rack. I rode a bike to high school and it was funny to see front wheels only--chained to a traditional bike rack! :D) Funny, but not for the owners. So, I chained mine sideways like your photo! lol, dianne!!!!
Dear Dianne,
Your bike rack photo also is a work of poetry,- and one of inspiration.
I went of in our garage and picked out my old bike.
What is more like summer than an easygoing bike-ride?
From Felisol
That bike rack looks like my bicycle built for two before I lost weight.
Wow, a red upsidedown Q! A great find!
This shot is really unique. Idunno what it is but i love it. I do. It takes me back in time, is colorful, i love bikes and adore parks. So there ya have it. *smoochies* Dianne!
thanks geraldine - the bike rack just begged to be part of Ruby Tuesday :)
bobbie - it does! it has wonderful round lines and space. glad you liked it.
quilly - thanks. I'm wondering now if there are more of these around town and if they're different colors. I will need to go on a fact finding mission ;)
patti - I love "... all the good comments are taken" LOL
thanks askew to you :)
tammy - it's been there forever and I can't believe I never just looked at it!
babs - LOL - so it's not just me! after I post I usually do "goodbye Ruby Tuesday, no one (something something)" I think it's laid a claim on you?
anndi - thanks!! useful and beautiful it is.
kimmie - I was just thinking of you :) I realized I hadn't visited in a bit. thanks for all the kind words lady.
gee matt-man - here I thought I would encourage you to talk about racks ;)
napaboaniya - they did do a nice design, thanks!
ron - it is too hot to even look at a bike, let alone ride one!! I wonder if they come with AC now?
thank you lingovise!
jay - you gotta come visit NJ - we're ultra cool here ;)
and we'd love you.
michael - in Manhattan all the messengers take their front wheel off, chain the rest and then wear their wheel like a shoulder bag!
felisol - what a wonderful compliment! thank you sooooo much.
me ann - I love upside down Q - cool :)
smooches right back chuck :)
mark - I skipped you!! what the MF is wrong with me!! don't answer that ;)
I prefer my motorized bicycle for 4 - oh wait that's my car!
well spotted!
i like the wy this bike rack looks, and the red bricks are a nice background.
They are red allright!!
They are red allright!!
julianna - thanks, I still can't get over how many times I drove past that and never just looked at it!
cg - yep! Red they be!! :)
Gorgeous! Oh, how I love red and black together.
I have a photo I like which features red. I took it in NYC. I'll try to get up the nerve to post it for Ruby Tuesday. Anyone can join in, right?
pagan - first - thanks, glad you like the photo.
Now - of course anyone can join in - the more the merrier! And your photos are wonderful, you appreciate art and it shows in your own stuff!!
Good for people to know.
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