So - I gushed and gushed in yesterday's post over my man Warren and selfish me, I didn't include anything for my pal and fellow patriot MATT-MAN. Or anyone else who thinks Cheryl is hot. You too ladies!
So this is for Matt-Man - I call him Matty but that's cause I'm special (and pushy and presumptuous).
Oh - and all those bloggers and TV talking heads who say she's fat. Kiss my ass! My fat ass!!
Mmmmmmmmmmm. I thank you so much, Di. Not only is she smokin' hot. That is my favorite picture of her. I have it saved to my computer. And yeah, you can call me Matty anytime, dear. Cheers Di!!
She's gorgeous. i look a lot like her actually...in my dreams :)
Matty - see that!! we share a wave length! I went to her site and that shot just jumped off the screen at me.
Glad you like it kiddo.
CG - LOL - me too!!
If lovin' her is fat, I don't wanna be thin. Cheers!!
If Cheryl's fat then I must be obese! I think she's gorgeous and an incredible dancer!
I keep trying and trying to post a legitimate comment, but my fingers keep slipping in the drool!
You are a fine man Matty with excellent tastes in all things ;)
sylvia - I know!! they just love to screw with women and our own body image. Rumor had it that Maks - who has a bit of pudge on his butt - started it.
Leighann - she's IS a tasty morsel ;)
but then again so are you!
I have a bit of a girl-crush on Cheryl. She has the prettiest back. She and Drew were my all-time favorite couple on DWTS. I love it when he comes back and they do that save a horse, ride a cowboy routine.
This is the first season that I have not watched the show. It was too long and I get a bit put off by the way people are not treated the same.
She's supposed to be fat? You're kidding me! Agh! The insane demented world we live in. She's gorgeous.
I wish I could be fat like that!
I must confess that i have no idea who that is, but if she's fat then Bush is a genius.
askew - I have a crush on most of the female pros - the male pros do very little for me because they are far too thin and I know it is sexist but I find nothing sexy about a man swishing his hips and extending his arms - LOL - I find it beautiful but not sexy so I'm left to thinking of how gorgeous the women are. Kim and Edyta are too of my favorites.
the cheryl/drew cowboy number is one of the best numbers ever in all the seasons.
I have always thought there are lots of inconsistencies in the judging - but then again it's almost impossible to judge 12 such different people equally. I just enjoy the dancing. I also TiVO it so that I can FF thru all the BS ;)
and so I can watch Warren 10 times lol
raven - I know!! there's another pro - Lacey - same idea, she's a bit shorter then the other women and actually has hips and thighs and some of the stuff said about her is merciless!! Meanwhile she does backflips and splits and so on - it's all so silly.
mahala - me too ;)
meno - I love a woman who always takes advantage of a Bush moment. You are fabulous!!
Cheryl is a pro dancer on Dancing With the Stars among other things - has her own studio, teaches kids, has a foundation ...
I have no idea of who Cheryl is but I have one question if anyone knows: are those boobs real?
She's absolutely gorgeous. And appears to feel very comfortable in her body, thank you.
Marilyn Monroe was 5'5", weighed 140 lbs and wore by today's standards a size 12 dress.
If you look at "ideal" weight charts over time, you will see how they have shifted. Beauty contests in developing countries tend to favor more classically figured women.
It seems to me that current tastes idealize the prepubescent female body with tits added on. And the ads in "respectable" publications like the New York Times. How old are the models anyway, Humbert Humbert?
Ok. You've hit a nerve.
I love the photo of Cheryl. Thanks so much for posting!!!
You know, I noticed that she had gained a few pounds but where people get the idea she's fat blows my mind. I envy her, I can't gain a pound to keep myself from flying off with a gust of wind.
If only my fat looked that good!!!!!!! fat-schmatt.......anytime a girl gets some actual curves she's called fat. WTF!!!!
Cheryl's a fav of mine too. Matt has great taste..and so do you of course.
My husband is down in the dumps because of his mechugenah work situation. I'm sending him this link to lift his spirits!
If she's fat then I'm a blimp.
I would like to be "fat" like that. Meaning, voluptuous and lovely. I err on the side of too skinny, and although women get jealous of me I don't think it's all that attractive.
excuse my ignorance, but who is this person?
Also, I wanted to say that I loved your bye, bye american pie piece - so well written :)
This one's too fat. That one's too thin. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Are the people making the comments perfect? No, so they can all just shut the *ahem* up.
Ms. Burke is lovely. :)
pagan - all indications - or lack of rumors - would say that they are!! since she's a professional dancer I would imagine all those workouts are good for the perky factor!! if I start now I might have a perky pair by the time I die ;)
gabrielle - you're preaching to the choir amd I'm on my last nerve over this kind of nonsense myself.
anndi - she said she had gained a few because of the off season but when she first came back there were so many nasty remarks - supposedly they made her cry backstage!! isn't it funny how you want more and I want more less. a fat exchange would be so cool ;)
tt - you brought up another good point - she's fit!! always has been, even at her highest weight. a slow day for her is a full throttle workout for most of us.
gabrielle - send him my empathy as well - my clients are killing me and today I found out one of my clients has had all their accounts frozen!!!! frozen!!!! seems they need to be reorganized. Lord knows when I'll get paid.
you just have to keep putting one frayed nerve in front of the other and on we go ...
tammy - and I'm a fleet lolololol
sparkling - you could get in with Anndi on my dream of having a fat exchange ;)
I have to confess to sometimes having a 'skinny bitch' bias but it's always a knee jerk reaction and I am immediately ashamed. judging for too thin is as nasty as judging for too fat - or any other judgements.
pink - she is one of the pro dancers on the hit TV show - Dancing with the Stars.
thank you re. the other piece - I so appreciate that and I have some more coming up - I just decided to be lighter hearted going into Thanksgiving.
Also - on last Monday's post - I gave you the photo buddy award - I can't remember if I told you!! OY!
cherie - does "ahem" mean fuck? - hehehehehe
what would you do without me? I owe you an e-mail by the way - I'm just not especially intelligent these days ;)
Cheryl is definitely hawt!!! Thank you for the eye candy!
I am thinking if Husband knew she was part of DWTS he'd be tuning in!
travis - you're welcome. I do what I can, as Matty would say - I'm a giver ;)
daryl - and, in my opinion, she isn't even the hottest one on the show!! Imagine that lol
but of course he could just tune in for the love of dance ;)
Fat?? Well, maybe in, um, a couple of places...
You've got to be kidding me - people actually think that she's fat??? Oh my God, I truly am the reincarnation of Moby Dick then!
The guy's who said she was fat ought to have their peepee's smacked!!
She is one hot babe and I declare that she has the best back/waistline area in human form.
I think the verdict on Cheryl is a definite Hubba Hubba. With maybe a wolf whistle or two in there too somewhere.
Professionally speaking of course ... (although I'm not too sure that I have written qualifications there)
The "ideal" nowadays seems to be Stick Insect. Wonder if the people who choose models ask the people who are going to be looking at the clothes what they think is sexy ? Maybe they have a different definition of Sexy compared to everyone else (like film critics do with films)
We have a Stick Insect in work and to be honest, I'd rather look at the girls who's figure is like an 8 than the one who's figure resembles a 1.
deborah - lol ;)
in all the right places
linda - well someone else called themselves a blimp and I said I was a fleet of blimps so OK you can have Moby Dick lol!!
can u believe it? and they even tried to explain themselves by saying as a dancer she should be thinner. yet she dances like a butterfly and every inch of her looks toned to me.
kenju - she does have an amazing back!!
I love your "peepees smacked" line!!
sleepypete - I love the term 'Hubba Hubba' - it's so old school charming :)
I think the whole stick figure thing for models has to do with how clothes fall best (for a fashion show) on those who have no angles or curves. Fine. But somewhere it became important that everyone look like the magazines. I remember a few years ago when my niece was 14 she and all her friends were on serious diets. Actually took interventions for some of the kids - they were existing on less than 600 calories a day!!!
Who is calling her fat - there's not an ounce of fat on her!
You know what amazes me about the female dancers on DWTS/SCD - the fact that they dance in those HEELS!!! Anything higher than ooh about a centimetre and I'd break my neck just trying to walk in them, but the moves they do in them - it's really awesome!
Thanks Dianne - haven't seen that show. Sounds good though.
An award?? I will go and grab it. Thank you - thank you :)
jackie - I know, I know - it was the usual internet gossip mill and the tabloid tv shows
I agree about the heels!! Did you see cloris leachman? 82 and dancing and dancing in heels!! she is my hero :)
pink - you're welcome!! I love both your blogs :)
Never watch Dancing with the Stars so I have no opinion.
Fat?...people are crazy..
New Rambling Woods Site
Dr. John - it's a fun show. The new season starts in the spring I think, lots of really good dancing
rambling - yes they are!!
I'm voting early and often for Warren.
Still laughing over Kenju's peepee smacking comment....
I'd like to see those bloggers and yahoos get out there and try dancing with her.....maybe that will shut their fat traps. She is stunning.
Remind me to cover all my mirrors please.
Weeping quietly in the corner here.
Bear((( )))
Thanks Di I needed that ;D
I've never watched DWTS but I'm glad to see Warren's still in the game.
The life these people choose means they are susceptible to all kinds of opinions and they have to adapt or be prepared to be ridiculed to within inches of their lives.
Look how actors and actresses look. They have to follow that standard so weighing anything more than 125 is dangerous to their careers.
So, if Cheryl wants to stay on the show, she'd better start her celery soup diet or she'll be replaced.
Now excuse me while I finish up these Oreos.
gabrielle - all my votes went to Warren ;)
snoop - that's the thing about the Internet, anyone can say anything - then of course the so called "mainstream media" picks it up and off we go
bear - mirrors? you have mirrors? ;)
roger - as I told Travis - I'm a giver, I'm here for you :)
debo blue - lol at the oreos!!
Cheryl is super freaking awesome! I was so pissed when I read an article about how people were claiming she was fat. Are you freaking kidding me? She's damn near perfect! ;-)
I have a nifty badge for you and a tag... should you accept it. :)
I agree with Bear Naked, remind me to cover my mirrors! Sad though, that so many of us judge how we look and feel by beauties like this who have professional makeup artists, stylists,etc... as well as photo re-touching etc... Do you pick up a hint of jealousy here? (lol) Only kidding, glad she's beautiful and "picture perfect"
I can't believe anyone would call her fat. She's fantastic!
Can you believe I emailed my husband this picture at work to distract him from the mishigas and he was too busy to open the email??? He comes home these days barely human. Serfdom redux. Devastating if you don't have a job. Brutal if you do.
As for DWTS, you are a bad influence. I am now doing frivolous.
Actually, we all watched last night with our tv dinners. Got into a heated argument over who deserves to win. Great stress release.
My brother-in-law has been crazy about her ever since he laid eyes on her in season one, calls her "his girl". She's fabulous, I WISH I could be "fat" like her. BTW, wasn't Warren a blast last night?
jay - I was pissed too! hope you're a great time with the family. hugs to Cossette!!
anndi - I'll come over later today and check it out :)
kelly - that's another great point! If someone like Cheryl can get picked at for her appearance then what the hell are we supposed to do!!? I wanted to invent a hat that would shine perfect lighting down on my face lol
diane - I know!
gabrielle - I'm so sorry about/for husband! I have been there - I'm often there now and I'm my own freakin' boss!!
DWTS is great family entertainment and "discussing" who should win is a lot of fun.
I am pleased that I corrupted you. Cheryl will be back tonight so we can all see her dance.
shelly - a lot of guys love her.
Warren was fantastic! I loved when he did the hand stand and all that flipping Kim all over the place. And that smile and that naughty attitude - I have such a crush ;)
She is spectacular. If that is fat, sign me up for fat. I did think she started this season heavier than last time she was on but I'd pay to be her at that heavier size. Hubba hubba Matt-man cover the computer in plastic HA!
Hi Dianne: I'm entering this a bit late and I don't watch that show or have cable due to my work and PT schedule. But I am amazed at women who are called "fat". This country is too obsessed with "thin". This is a beautiful lady! :)
she's pretty, where is the fat?
Exquisite pictures and very good blog congratulations
LOL yeah just look at that fat. I'm sure glad I'm not that fat. Uh huh.. yep..
*sigh* maybe I'll catch her in reruns...
lu' - she was heavier and yes, her heavy is my dream :)
michael - way to obcessed with thin. I don't know how you keep your schedule but there is a bit of super hero in you.
mad - in the minds of the tabloids
naturline - ahhhh a little pre-Thanksgiving spam! and your site takes forever to load so anyone wanting all that crap would get bored and move on
me too Faye - lol!!!
mark - the new season is in the spring - when a young man's fancy turn to ... ;)
Thanks for sharing this Dianne. I wish I had come by this when you posted it. I would have seen it as a wonderful birthday present.
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