Nana!! Glad to see ya, I've been counting my toes. 10 is good right? ...

Oy! with the camera. Am I really that cute? ...

OK, I am that cute ...

But I'm flummoxed. I want to be happy but my gums are killing me! I have 2 teeth now and I think there are more ...

My frozen butterfly! Fabulous idea ...

I don't know if it's working. Plus I'm slumping and I can't get up ...

Listen, is Wonder Pets on? That always helps. They're pets. And they're a wonder ...

Nana, please use the guide. That's Fox News and they make me fill my diaper. Wonder Pets Nana, Wonder Pets! ...

There! Stop right there! It is Wonder Pets! They're so, well - wonderful ...

Hooray! They saved baby squirrel. They really are Wonder Pets! ...

Nana, it wasn't that wonderful. Stop dancing now ...

Here's the thing. Nothing lasts too long with me. I'm mercurial. How about a bottle and a nap? ...

Don't even think of taking this bottle away. I'm not asleep yet ...

Thank You Nana
She is that cute and smart too. Fox new make me puke.
Great series of pictures and captions, makes me smile :-)
How lucky for you to have such great (and cute) company.
You're doing great, Nana. I've never seen WonderPets but they sound pretty exciting...
Aw bless her little heart. It's great being a Nana isn't it? :)
Do you have any idea how much these posts warm my heart and tickle my toes???
Well...they DO!!!!
OMG....laughed so hard at that fourth photo down, I thought I was gonna shit!
Hope just keeps getting cuter and cuter everyday!
Thanks for a flawless post, dear lady!
You da' BOMB!
X ya's!
Such a cutie pie!
Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming too... Were Wonder pets and we'll help you! whats gonna work?
Thank you so much. Give her four hugs from us, Jay, Baildy, cassie and Miles. What a love. j
Anything is better than Fox *cough* News.
She's precious!
martha - we aim to please, glad you smiled, thank you :)
micky - she is the best person to hang out with :)
mrs c - thank you, I work at it. Wonder Pets are on the Sprout network which I think is PBS for children. even after Hope fell asleep I kept watching LOL
akelamalu - it is! it is! thanks :)
ron - Hope thinks Uncle Ron is the best!! She loves his comments. I act them out for her, 'da bomb' is a big hit with sound effects
ellen - thanks :)
doc - OMG!! You are the best Dad!! Now I know Ming-Ming is the chick and pilots the thingie and one of them is a turtle but the third one - is it a hamster? a groundhog? I called it a beaver and my son didn't stop laughing for an hour - he's such an ass ;)
oh! and did you see the episode where the Mama Squirrel had a Brooklyn Yenta accent!? that was brilliant!!
jay s - you are welcome!! Hope sends all sorts of hugs right back at you all
you have your own version of Wonder Pets going on :)
anndi - hi kiddo! I was talking to you on Twitter the other day but I don't know if you saw me
they really do make her fill her diaper ;)
She's so charming, and her hair's getting so long! How old is she now?
iPood? idied when I read that .. and that face, those expressions ... oh she is gorgeous poo poo poo ... xo
she has absolutly adorable all over her!
This is hilarious
That's Fox News and they make me fill my diaper
She is just adorable, and so is her Nana :)
Her t-shirt cracked me up. I didn't know Apple had branched out that way :)
What a sweetie!
cherie - the texture and color of her hair changes so often
she's 7 months old! time just flys by
daryl - Nana bought her that shirt :)
her expressions amaze me
this morning I asked her if she was concerned about the noise from the snow blower and she furrowed her brow
genius I tell you! genius!! ;)
noe noe - thank you!! :)
pink - oh I haven't been called adorable in so long!! thanks :)
Hope sends a big hug
bob-kat - you know Apple, they think they can perfect everything ;)
Those are great, Dianne! She is growing by leaps and bounds. Such a cutie! And perfect curly hair. :) I love the blurred shot. That pretty much epitomizes a young one on the move, doesn't it? They don't sit still for very long. LOL! So, is everyone done shoveling yet??
Di is grooming a little leftie! ;-)
This post is too cute and funny for words. Hope says it all!
You will get sick of me saying this: she is more beautiful each day.
Wow..Hope is getting so big. And she is adorable..and smart too!
Ah, The Wonder Pets Save the Baby Squirrel - that's the one at Coney Island, right? ;D
She is so cute with her big eyes and curly hair.
A New Old Fairy Tale
Oh geesh she's cute. I want to squiiiish her. And that iPood cracks me up. :)
What a smart kid to have already figured out Fox News!
Hope really is a cute kid! I love her eyes!
That was adorable Dianne! Like ‘Look Who’s Talking’ but with an incredible vocabulary. Is it wrong that I’m jealous of a frozen butterfly?
Yay, more pics of the adorable Hope, but that shirt? Really?
Hope, you are just getting prettier and prettier by the picture! Hope your Nana keeps on posting lots more pictures of you too.
lisa - we're done shoveling as long as none of the mountains we created collapse and as long as the town plows don't come back to make a mess - Oy!!
pagan - I will never tire of hearing how beautiful she is, thanks!!
and I am trying to be a progressive force in her life, she's surrounded by far too many republicans and nitwits - gee that was redundant
bond - thanks!! she's a genius I tell ya, a genius ;)
kerry - yes! they were in Coney Island LOL
I love them as much as she does
nessa - thank you :) I can look into her eyes for hours
hilary - she gives hugs now and when she does I do squish her
stine - she has a good BS meter!! LOL
scott - not wrong at all, I covet her jumpy seat, it looks so comfy
I love to use long and interesting words with her
I make up songs with the words or do exaggerated operatic performances
I just did an homage to Freddie Mercury with the word mercurial and we also learned dramatic and dastardly
she loves music and words
she watches lips when people speak
rob - hey! I gave her that shirt!! and Daryl likes it so it must be fashionable
hope sends hugs even if you don't like her shirt :)
jeni - heaven help you all, I am sure there will be lots more photos
I want to squiiiish her. And that iPood cracks me up.
Work From Home
Just loved, loved, loved this post, Dianne! :))
Look at Hope's curly hair! What a beauty!
I so feel for her teething! What a sweetie, Dianne! There couldn't be a more perfect way to spend a snowy day!
Wishing you and your family a Happy Valentine's Day! :))
Gave you a little shout out today
She sure is adorable.... and a good conversationalist.
GREAT Dialogue, my dear...She is soooooo very cute! And She is growing up before our eyes...I LOVE seeing her changes as the weeks go by....GREAT Pictures, too, Nana....
Tell Hope that Fox News makes me do the same thing!
What an adorable post and full of so many great pictures of Hope - who really IS getting big, isn't she??
She's growing up fast! Very cute.
Thank you Nana, for this dose of Hope. She is too cute, and very wise for her age...
What a doll she is!! I love her shirt.
Hope is just so adorable. You must enjoy every minute of Nana-hood.
Cute post. And the iPood shirt is too funny!
Great photos and such funny captions...I love Hope's t-shirt - I want one!!
I love that kid. Hugs to Hope and her Nana!
Oh my Gosh! Ipood - so funny!
& Hope is adorable, have I told you that yet? & I LOVE her hair.
Love your narrations Dianne.
You have to be patient with Nana, Hope. She doesn't always understand instantly. Thank you for favoring us with your very pretty little smile today.
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