They didn't need to extract any teeth which is good - recovery time should be shortened without any holes in her gums.
I'll spare you all the gory details of gum scaling. The vet sent off a tissue sample for biopsy. She doubts cancer because the diseased tissue was in a symmetrical pattern. She does think there is a chance that Isadora has an immune system problem. We'll know more on Monday.
The "mouth issue" is now referred to as the "tissue issue" - said in a British accent.
I got her a pink, fuzzy bed - not my taste but I think it's hers. There is something so girly about her.

Yes - she's staying in the bathroom for awhile. It's easier for me to monitor food/water.
Thankfully she likes the bed and has stopped sleeping under the toilet tank or in her own litter.
Siren sums up our state of mind ...

I'm exhausted and feeling a bit sorry for myself.
Adopting Isadora was so soon after Mia and I thought I had a fun, affectionate companion for Siren - and me.
The stress is ... it's stressful.
I have found an agency that might get me an orthopedic evaluation. This is where I left off over a year ago when I lost my health insurance. The evaluation would (I hope/they think) solve the disability benefits war.
Of course there are forms and appointments. It has been my mission all week. I have driven hundreds of miles - to Trenton (where our big, fat, fucking horror of a Governor has set up his nest) and to Neptune (no sea creatures) and to a host of other places in between. There is a process to every process.
Now nothing will happen until March 18th when I go back to see the intake physician.
I'm grateful for their help and will stay positive and proactive but today ...
Today I'm just sick and tired of it all.
I love youse guys and appreciate all the comments and support.
I think I'm going to go spike my coffee.
I hope you and your kitty are doing well. Glad she's out of the litterbox! How can they like hanging out in there? Hopefully you'll get good news from the DR. Hang in there :-)
Good luck with the tissue issue! I know what it is like to adotp a cat who isn't well. My first cat spent a LOT of time at the vet's office when I first got him. So much that the vet finally stopped charging us and just set up a standing appointment each week!
I hope your little girl is back to her cute self soon!
Poor Isadora .. poor you ... Siren seems to have the right attitude .. ignoring the whole mess .. a completely male reaction!
I am sure Isadora will be back to her happy self soon .. she's just freaked out at all the to/fro so soon after being adopted ...she needs a lot of TLC .. brush her .. pet her .. its soothing and makes them feel loved .. seriously, when Rose was having eating issues Dr Peterson (the endocrinologist who treated her thyroid) said it would work wonders and it did ... that and force feeding her .. xoxox
By all means, spike your coffee, you deserve it.
Glad to hear Isadora is feeling better.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your evaluation and all it entails.
Definitely spike your coffee, it'll do you good. x
Life can be tough at times. Just remember, whatever the situation is, it's only temporary. Isadora will get over her snit and be the loving kitty. I'm hoping a good outcome for you with the orthopedic thing. I totally get the no insurance. don't have any myself.
Hello Lady Dianne!
SOOOOO glad to hear about Isadora!
I LOVE her new little bed. It's so damn cute; all pink and furry with that little ball at the entrance!
OMG...I know you must be so exhausted, dear lady. You've been through a shitload of stuff lately.
Just know that I'm always sharing "good energy" with ya, ok?
But, hey...spiked coffee isn't a bad a idea either - HA!
(((( Dianne ))))
X ya's!
Sorry, haven't been around much and didn't even know about Isadora (nice name). Hope things are better - yes go ahead spike the coffee :)
Thanks for the wishes on my blog - means a lot :)
Isador will be fine soon, I'm sure. I only hope that your own problems will also be resolved soon. At least it sounds as if there is a glimmer of hope.
Hope! There is always Hope!
I think it's okay for all of us to just take a Fukitol pill from time to time and just take the day off from the real world.
Have a great weekend babe. ;-)
Stress sucks. Sending good positive vibes your way. Glad kitty feels better. I find spiked coffee works wonders. Keep your chin up chickie.
I hope once Isadora gets the tissue issue (love it, though as there are so many British accents I still can't imagine how you're saying it!) that she'll be the companion for you and Siren that you always suspected she'd be.
I'll keep everything crossed for you for the 18th.
spiking one's coffee when feeling the pressure is totally acceptable and I highly recommend it...
get it on girl, have a wonderful weekend...
and remember, there is always HOPE =]
Looks like Isadora feels safe in her new house. That's good.
Now to get you feeling safe. Good luck with this new attempt at getting some help.
Good Lord, Dianne! I just caught up with your previous post and this one and I'm exhausted just from reading so I can only imagine how you feel after all that!
You're absolutely right, though, in that cats like Isadora find you and that's because people like you love cats like her and she knew that you would take care of her whereas no one else had the inclination, patience, or capacity to love a cat that wasn't "perfect". You two were meant to be together.
So, while Isadora is convalescing from the surgery, I hope that you really did spike that coffee and are doing some convalescing of your own. You more than deserve it and I think you definitely need it!
While you're doing that, I will keep my fingers crossed that both of you find some healing - soon!!
I hope everything works itself out with Miss Iss and with the insurance/disability issue. Stay positive. You're due for some good karma and a positive attitude might bring it around quicker.
I'm glad Isabella is all right (the look on her face says everything), and I hope your insurance/disability stuff clears up quickly. What a nightmare to be driving across half the state for some forms!
If spiked coffee helps, go for it!
Otherwise, keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you...
She's pretty in her pink house. I hope things settle down for her (and you).
Wishing you aLL the best!
Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Oh, how stupid. I called her Isabella and she's Isadora! Isadora! I'm glad Isadora is doing all right. Hope she'll forgive me for the faux pas (or should that be 'paw'?).
BLOGGER wouldn't let me comment...Grrrrr.
All I really wanted to say was I am glad Isadora is home and I am so so soooo very sorry this has all been so stressful....Hoping Isadora recovers quickly and becomes the companion you so much want and need.
Much good luck with the Orthopedic Evaluation...Praying you get your dusability, my dear....!
Also praying Blogger will let me post this.
Gee, wonder if they make that darling pink cave in queen size?? Looks like a great place to heal from all her trauma. There times when we all need a nice pink cave.
Do hope your evaulation goes well and soon your stresses can be just memories.
Spiked coffee can't hurt.
I'm in catch up mode after a week away. Poor you.. sweet you. Isadora couldn't have been found by a better Mom. Hopefully, these early woes will soon be in the past and your bonding will begin in earnest.
I'm thinking best thoughts for you - that this evaluation will kick-start some positive changes for you.
Stressful enought that the cat is sick, also stressful because it's expensive! My cat Scout [unbeknownst to me] ate thread and had a twisty tie for dessert. $250 [15 years would've been double that] for emergency surgery to have it surgically a vet covering for my vet who happened to be on vacation at the time [of course!]. Hang in there. Good things in the wings for you.
Poor kitty. But it sounds like the tissue issue is resolved pretty well...
Now, if you can just get your medical issues resolved. I guess it's the nature of bureaucracies to foment confusion, frustration, anxiety, and tons of paper work...
By the way, I posted a little thing on CC which I think you will enjoy (if you haven't seen it before)...
Best wishes, Di!
Isadora will be fine, and start to fit in better when she starts feeling better. I promise. And you’ll start feeling better soon too!
As far as dealing with the bureaucracy of it all…spike your coffee, take a valium, take a Perk and some Vic’s, anything to ease that pain.
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Good luck with everything Di. And I dig the b/w of your pussy. Very nice. Cheers Di!!
It sounds to me like you would like to shrink yourself down temporarily and hide out in that fuzzy house with Isadora. I know the feeling. Courage! I wish you all the best with that important appointment.
Sorry I missed the post when you announced that Mia had passed. I had read your post about Hope two days earlier, then next I knew we had Isadora. It's a truly beautiful name for a dramatic-looking kitty. Is she a dancer as well?
I know how you feel about Mia, we lost our Rigby yesterday. Losing a pet is just awful. I felt so helpless.
I wish you luck with the evaluation and with Monday's report on Isadora's biopsy.
I hope you enjoyed the spiked coffee. You certainly deserve something after all you have been through with the felines in your midst.
So glad Isadora's tissue issue is being sorted out. Your turn next... Hugs to you and yours.
I hope you have sunshine until all this is resolved!
& Bobbie is right, thank God for beautiful Hope!
Wow ... what a BUNCH of challenges you've had with Isadora! I just read your last two posts and was exhausted just THINKING about everything you did. I'm glad she's doing better ... think the pink bed is perfect and keeping her in the bathroom for a while a wise decision. Best wishes to all of you ... Siren too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
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