I wish I could show you the full buggy effect but I cropped out the children who aren't related to me.
Hope loves day care.
I found 6WS at JIM’S. His grandbaby KP is about the same age as Hope. She's a sweetie and I love when he posts about her.
For more 6WS go HERE
Looks like GREAT fun!!
~so sweet...my littlest goes bananas for the "car" wagons...they drive me crazy cause they are so hard to steer through the aisles...brightest blessings~
Looks like quite a fun way to get around. I also have a granddaughter named Hope.
I want to ride!! :)
Happy 6WS!
The photo is darling, I agree!! [my six word response]
My 6 words HERE*. With an explanation found below at the asterisk.
That is so cute! One of our local day cares has those same buggys! I don't know where they walk the kids too - must just be around the parking lot - cuz we're in the country and there are NO sidewalks! LOL! But I guess the kids just enjoy going for the ride! Hope does look like she's happy to be going!
We have one of those dodads at our church. It always cracks me up to see it rolling down the hallways full of kids.
Hi nice to meet you. I'm new here!
Cute pic!
Here is mine, if you'd like to come and look! Thanks!
Looks lik a fun way to travel! Happpy SWS, Kathy
6 words? I'm not sure I could ever keep something to just 6 words but it would certainly be a challenge to try!
Hope looks like she is having a blast!
She sure loves it .. and what a cheery color ..
Hope's waving at Nana!!!
OMG...what a cutie pie girl!
That bye bye buggy is ADORABLE!
I think they should be the new taxi in every city!
X ya's!
Adorable! And it's wonderful that Hope loved day care!
just adorable :)
Just 6 words? There's no way I could do that. What a cute picture! She's got such pretty curls. Are those the little socks that look like ballet slippers? Deuce has some blue ones that look like Chuck Taylor's. Adorable!
What a beautiful little smile.
doc - she loves buggy time
faerwillow - they all love to drive and ride :)
jeanie - I saw pics on your blog, you have beautiful grandchildren
donnetta - so do I ;)
anni - excellent 6 words :)
melli - I walk her up and down the driveway in her stroller and she's thrilled :)
jeff - the aide who wheels the buggy says everyone smiles when they see her coming
sassy - nice to meet you too!
kathy - it is, thanks
mahala - anytime!! come on down, Hope will share :)
linda - it's fun trying to stay to 6
daryl - Hope always smiles for me and she puts out her arms to be picked up, it's wonderful :)
ron - I just had this vision of an entire city populated by toddlers!!
linda r - the teachers say she greets each new thing with total enthusiasm
pink - thanks :)
3 men/lady - they are, she has a whole collection
Mary Janes and boots and keds and on and on
whoever designed these socks is brilliant
bobbie - thanks, I can't get enough of that smile
Cute, cute cute--she looks happy!!!
What an adorable, little, sweet patoot! (And I love her little dancer sockies!)
As soon as my screen popped open and I saw that cute face I started to chuckle. What a wonder...
God did good!
Oh, I guess daughter in law and and son should get some credit too.
That's a challenge to keep it to six words. I'm succinct but that's pushing it.
Hope is adorable. She looks like she is having fun with her compadres.
Our construction challenge is nearly over!
That's my 6 word effort for today.
Beautiful shot Dianne. Hope is too adorable!!
Really, Dianne. How do you keep from squishing her? Look at that face!
Adorable Hope. I want me my own grandbaby!!!
she is growing up so fast and is beautiful...hugs..michelle
I didn't have such fun ways to travel when I was that age. Looks like a good time! Thanks for joining the 6WS mayhem - I hope you enjoyed it!
I LOVE those little buggies. I think it is great how the seats are so everyone can see and they don't all argue for the front seat!
Lindsey Petersen
I have seen these at a local day care they are very cool
She is always adorable!
Whatr an adorable icture! HOPE is looking more and more grown-up!
I'm glad you directed me to the 6WS thing. When I read, 6WS, I thought...
Is there some new sex thing I don't know about?
Cheers Di!!
She doesn't take a bad picture. The camera loves her. Do I smell "super model?"
she looks like she loves it!
She is precious!
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