Then again I could declare myself fair and balanced and then go off like an ignorant loon, FOX does it 24/7.
I decided to use something ridiculous and inconsequential for my return to politics.

The big bloated blowhard that is Rush Limbaugh declared on his show that he will leave the United States if health care reform is passed.
Well Hallelujah! Amen! Bring out the champagne and streamers!
Maybe he can organize a junket and take Sean and Bill and Sarah and Glenn with him.
A caller asked Rush where he'd go. Costa Rica he declared.
Ahhh the comical irony of the ignorant. Costa Rica has universal health care.
I learned from Wikipedia that one of the five fastest growing industries in Costa Rica is pharmaceuticals - a junkie always knows where to go for their next fix.
Perhaps they'll give him his pain killers and anti-anxiety drugs and his Viagra free. Or at least legally. That way he could stop obtaining them illegally here in the states.
God Speed Rush - don't let the door hit you in the giant ass you talk out of on your way out.
EDIT on March 11 at 7 AM: I have read accounts stating that Limbaugh never said he would move to Costa Rica but that he would seek medical care there while still residing in the US. To me that just makes him even more of an asshat.
Right on....does he need any help packing?
Sadly I doubt he would actually go.....
But I loved your point that CR has Univ HC!
Dianne - How do you know he has said this? Did you read about it? Or did you actually listen to it? If it's the latter - please stop watching that channel! I absolutely will not ever watch it. Talk about blood pressure going up...
Oh, please God, let it pass and let him follow through! (It ain't gonna happen. He'd lose his audience.)
Lordy I wish it were that easy....
Dang! I didn't know you had this blog!!!!!! Guess what? I'm adding it to follow!!!!
This a great post and I totally agree!!!!
He's bad but the folks who watch him are the ones who frighten me. He's not likely to do anything but incite his followers. They then put his words into action. The ignorant teaching the ignorant.
queen size funny - I'd help him pack too
kay - I adore irony ;)
bobbie - I read it on AOL's news page, plus they had a clip of the segment
I should have included the link ;)
doc - I know! I know!
kay - I loved how we both posted about these idiots today, great minds kay
linda - that's exactly why he's so vile - he and the others like him know they're fanning fires and dividing the country
I want these asshat Fox opinionators (apparently Fox airs 'opinons' 23 hrs a day and news for 1 hour)to be locked in a small dark room together so they can opinion one another to death.
My guess is that he's already planning on it anyway. Lots of very rich ex-pat Americans already live in Costa Rica. They go down there, renounce their citizenship and then live tax free. I'm sure that's his plan.
You tell em girl.
I longed for reform for ALL of us, but having Rushy Shut Up - let alone LEAVE is a dream come true...
Aloha from (socialist) Hawaii my Friend!
Comfort Spiral
WooHoo! Dianne is back! And oh, the wonderful irony of universal health care in Costa Rica!
I volunteer to help him pack his bags.
Hahahaha, I really hope so! I’ve gone to Costa Rica twice, and you’re totally right. I love me the occasional opiate, so I could just walk into a pharmacia, tell them I had a headache, no….worse than the T/3 kind of headache…more like a Perc or even Demerol type headache and $2 later…done.
If I see him out there the next time I go, I think I’ll take the fucker surfing!
We can only hope. Rarely do we get an opportunity for such a colossal win-win.
Just the thought of Rush Limbaugh leaving this country is such a pleasurable thought, isn't it? Hope the powers that be see this as the benefit that it would be to NOT have his big, dumb self still spouting all the garbage here and hurry to pass the Health Care stuff. We need that way more than we need Rush!!!!
oooooooooooooo bye bye Rush! LOL
Many years ago I would have found it hard to imagine anyone as criminally irresponsible and detrimental to our country as the big fat slob, Limbaargh!
We can only hope that he will really leave and never return. And as you say, if only he'd take a few others with him.
I just cannot understand why some people are so against the Health Care Reforms :0
I LOVE this post Dianne. It is so funny to me that Rush thinks this a terrible threat that he will!
I CAN'T WAIT! GO, Already! And indeed, your suggestions of all thpse he should take with him is Perfect!!!
My ex-husband was a major Rush Limbaugh fan ... 'nuff said!
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