Mia had a seizure this afternoon. I came back from the post office to find her sprawled across my bed, tongue hanging out, lying in a pool of her own urine.
We rushed to the vet and they did tests - by the time we got there she was more alert.
It could be her heart - they hear a murmur that wasn't there just last month.
It could be her kidneys - enzymes are out of whack and she appears dehydrated although she is eating and drinking normally.
It could be her thyroid. Those tests have been sent out. Plus they need a urine sample - which is a real joy to get from a cat - too bad we couldn't just wring out my bedspread.
Plus there have always been questions about Mia's neurological health. She's deaf and we don't know how that happened, we're not sure how old she is, she has trouble walking at times and sometimes she does one hell of a Kate Hepburn imitation.
Right now she is sleeping comfortably although she won't go near any of her regular places - she's sleeping on one of the dozen towel beds I created for her wherever I felt she'd feel safe. Her 2 hours in the ER traumatized her.
I am on seizure watch all night and I have the directions to the all night clinic in my purse.
I never question what I do for Mia - or Siren - or any who came before them.
Animals are a constant source of comfort and the epitome of unconditional love.
All good thoughts or prayers or candle lighting or burnings of whatever you hold sacred or profane are appreciated and will be felt across the internet tubes.
Now - go hug an animal.

Silvio sends Mia his love. He knows all about trips to the emergency vet, and tubes and wires, and all the indignities of veterinary care. He is sitting right here with his belly still mostly bare of fur where they shaved it to do his two ultrasounds not long ago.
I hope you find out how to make Mia feel better very soon!
Our pets mean everything to us. Give Mia a gentle hug for me please.
I have come to love Mia through your blog. Sending a silent prayer - hope Mia gets better soon.
You better believe I'll be sending Mia all the tender-loving-care-energy-vibes I can muster!
Animals are a constant source of comfort and the epitome of unconditional love.You said it, dear lady!
Love to you and Mia
Absolutely best of the best wishes for your critter. I get so upset when one of my girls is not well. Isabelle was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroid. Now we pill her everyday. She is taking it like a champ of course I praise her pet her and give treats after she takes her pill.
My thoughts and prayers (too whomever I pray to) are so with you. Please be positive and think good thoughts. I send all my aloha to you. Give Mia a hug for me :)
Oh Diane! My thoughts, love and heart all go out to you and Mia.
Best wishes to you and your sweet kitty.
As I am reading, Sauvi came downstairs and brushed against me, then looked up in the way she does. We send Mia love and healing. (very loud empathetic purrs!!!)
Poor Mia looks freaked. Stroke her for us in the way she likes to be stroked. Hope you both get some rest...
Sending good wishes for your lil kitty.
We've had episodes similar to what you're dealing with here from time to time too. Dealing with a sick pet, regardless of the circumstances, is a difficult situation for sure and knowing how much you love and care for your pets, I can just imagine the frame of mind this must have you in tonight. Prayers for you and Mia that they can figure out what's going on with her and hopefully then be able to restore her to good health.
Peace, for you -and for Mia.
Kitty, Sylvester and I are sending positive and loving thoughts for Mia.
Poor little kitty. Sending good vibes her way.
Sending best thoughts Mia's way, with a few extra special licks and snuggles from Benny. Please keep us posted when you can.
Sending waves upon waves of good thoughts to your beautiful cat. Hoping for the best.
Here's to Mia...Best of luck to her. Cheers Dianne!!
Cassie just climbed up on my lap. We are think of you and Mia and sending Love your way. j
Be well my friend!
Aloha, Miss Kitty
Meow with love!!
get better sweetness. hug her for me please!
In my cauldron with both of you. Blue candle, I think, for health and comfort.
Sorry I'm late getting here, it's been one of those days. I'm holding good thoughts and prayers for Mia! What would we do without our four-legged friends??? Give her a gentle hug for me.
Went through that with our 20 year old dog Di...I figured that as long as she wasn't in pain before or after the seizure then there was no need for me to put her down.
I hope Mia gets much better very soon.
Good thoughts from our house.
sending good vibes your way....I love that photo....
Pebbles and Panda send lots-o-licks and hiney-sniffs :)
Me, I'll just wish the best for both of you.....ummm....an maybe she needs to see something shiney? maybe a new rhinestone collar would do the trick?...all blingie nd shit...lol....in RED!!!
hugs and loves :*
Oh no! Poor baby. Sammy and I are sending good vibes and lots of hugs.
Poor Mia, I truly hope that today is a better day for her and you don't need to make any trips back to the vet's. Sending good thoughts your way!
I hope she's OK, sending Reiki at once!
Oh Mia, honey I am SO keeping good thoughts for you .. know that Dianne loves you so much she isnt trying to hurt you .. but to help ...
Oh Di I'm so sorry to read this! Sending good vibes and lots of love for Mia. I hope they can find whatever is wrong with her and getting her feeling better really soon.
I'll pray for your little Mia.
Oh, I dearly hope Mia will be okay...And that thry figure out what happened to her.
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