I’m lovin’ it.
‘Double Exposure’ follows photographers Markus Klinko and Indrani as they shoot celebs and models and fashion and fine art. It is more documentary than reality crapola.

It caught my attention mostly because anything about photography interests me. I assumed that it would focus entirely on celeb asshat moments and model’s eating disorders but I’m happy to say I was wrong.
Although there are moments of “where’s Lindsey? she’s 8 hours late” there are also many moments of watching Markus and Indrani scout locations and set up shots.

In one segment Indrani demonstrated how she edited shots to take advantage of light and shadow and how she combined elements of different shots to create one perfect piece of art.
Markus customized all his equipment and is so clearly in love with his camera.
Markus and Indrani are ex-lovers who remain friends and are now business partners.
As a former model Indrani brings a unique perspective to setting up shots. Markus began his creative career as a classical musician before becoming interested in photography.
Together they are dynamic and chaotic and often brilliant.
You can read about the show HERE
Markus and Indrani’s online PORTFOLIO contains an exceptional collection of their portraits to view. Their work is beautiful.
This shot of Dita Von Teese ...

... is floating all over the interweb tubes so I scooped it up. This photo shoot was part of episode 2 of ‘Double Exposure’. As hard as it might be to believe this shot isn’t even one of the best.
Check out their site to see the others.
Wow, there is a lot of talent there. I love the chair in this last photo. Sadly I can't afford Bravo these days.
It's always cool to watch artists at work. It's even more cool when they explain what they're doing and what they're seeing.
I’m going to have to check that show out. I’m enthralled by skilled photography. The picture that the truly talented can paint with the camera is amazing!
I just got to go to the London Gallery this year. If you get the chance Dianne, you’d love it.
Impressive!!!! I love photography, too!!!!
Fascinating ... might need to get ToonMan to record it for me ...
That does sound like an interesting show. The pictures are wonderful - of course!
I saw the previews and they made it look like all those two do is argue, so I passed it by.
You make it sound interesting
Oooo..oooo...this looks FAAAABULOUS!
Me neither, I've never been into reality shows until I saw Project Runway and then became addicted.
But this one sounds even better because it's shot in documentary style (which I love).
I just clicked over on the portofilo link and took a look - WOW! Gorgeous! I almost died when I saw the Hello Kitty shot -HA!
Thanks for sharing, dear lady!
Bravo, Bravo!
Wow. Pretty fabulous images. I saw an interview once with two women who specialized in photographing infants. Such amazing work. wish i could remember their names.
Now that's some talent!
I'm not a fan of reality TV but that programme sounds interesting. :)
Very thoughtful of you Dianne to have in your sidebar;
"Bobbie- Always There"
The pic chick is HAWT. Yeah, that's all I got. Cheers Di!!
reb - there are so many clips on the web site it's like seeing the whole show
jay - Indrani does that a lot, she's really fun to watch
scott- I've been fascinated by photography for as long as I can remember
London Gallery would be amazing to visit
kay - me too!! :)
daryl - I think you'd enjoy it
trisha - I'd love them to take my protrait :)
vinny - they do fight a lot, and he loses it over lost light and people moving but somehow it's just artistic temper as opposed to reality show hijinks
ron - I thought of you when I saw the Hello Kitty shot!!!!!!!!!
ellen - photographing children has to be so difficult
noe noe - I love how they use shadows
akelamalu - I like reality shows about people who actually create something
the other shows are just trash
mare - thank you - I really miss her
matt-man - well that makes sense
Dita is a burlesque queen and a fetish artist and an all around hawt woman
I actually watched this show for the first time, on Tuesday...All that you say is true....They are both so interesting and so dedicated to their "art"...And like you, I too sm very interested in Photography.....In truth, I was taping "Kathy Griffen" who makes me laugh, snd---Now, I'm hooked on this show, too....
I'm hooked on "TOP CHEF" and that "TOP CHEF MASTERS" because they are creating something...like "PROJECT RUNWAY", which also is something I very much enjoy....The other "Reality" (HA) shows...The Housewives, etc., I just don't understand. WHY would anyone want to watch these people??? And then there are ALL the other ones---too numerous to mention, but equally as insipid and stupid...OY VEY! I just cannot figure out the appeal of all these shows...And of course, they have taken the place of so very many scripted drama shows--and I hate that. Thank God for the cable channels now really getting hot and heavy into these Dramas...Some of them are really good!
Do you mean to tell me that Bravo has a reality show that's actually worth watching? If it weren't you saying so then I would NEVER believe it!
I just can't believe how many reality shows there are out there and how many of them are CRAP and yet people lap them up. I guess I just don't see the appeal of people arguing with each other all the time or bringing each other to tears or anything of that stuff and so I tend to avoid reality shows like the plague. I might, however, take a gander at this show based on your enthusiasm - that and my own love of photography. Maybe I could learn some good pointers!
Dazzling photos...sounds like the show will do well.
I love to take them in...but photography is not at all my forte.
I like the subtle colors on the chair in that last photo you show. Very nice work there.
Not sure the show would appeal to me. I take photos of plants and rocks and cats, but not people.
Did you watch it tonight, Dianne...? I found Lindsey Lohan utterly fascinating..And one can really see the "star" Quality that she just has, innately(?--Spelling)
I think she is a talented actress and I hope she gets her act together so that her career truly gets back on track....The relationship of those two people really makes me nervous...lol...But what that guy said is true---their way of communicating, as odd and unsettling as it seems---obviously allows for great creativity, thoug, I did wonder, how fabulous his photographs might be without her constant chattering and need to 'direct'.
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