Yesterday was the first day of spring and the Mom person got into this spring cleaning mood. I helped clean the bathtub ...

Mom person was grateful but she insisted I enjoy the day and let her do it herself.
I decided to sunbathe at the condo ...

Oh - that's Isadora in the bottom bunk. She's feeling much better and she's eating again - trust me, she IS eating. She's lucky that I'm so good at sharing.
I went off to check on Mom person and when I came back to the condo ...

... look who took over the top bunk!
I was annoyed so I went to my quiet spot to calm myself. That's a picture of the 'infiltrator' back when she was waiting to be born.

Look at her now! She's huge. I like the nice weather, it means the 'infiltrator' goes outside ...

Let her bug the neighbors for a change.
Isadora finally vacated my top bunk. Mom person was cooing about how her eyes match the bedding ...

I went over to talk to Isadora ...

Do not ignore me!
I tried to get closer ...

Wow! What a drama queen.

She's got spunk.
I hate spunk.
Pet Pride has a new home. It's over at GATTINA’S PLACE. I like her, she understands cats. I think I may ask her to talk to Isadora.
Oh, what a wonderful way to sip my morning coffee; reading your Pet Pride!
God, I so love these!
I'm laughing at the expression on Isadora's face as Siren goes over to talk. That's EXACTLY how Zoe use to look when Jerry would approach....DRAMA QUEEN - HA!
And can Hope get any more CUTIER????
LOVE that face of hers!
So happy to here Isadora is doing well, dear lady. I knew she would!
X to you and the gang!
Happy Spring!
LOLOL My favorite shot has got to be when you captured Isadora in full hiss mode. And I love the Mary Tyler Moore/Lou Grant reference. "I hate spunk." :p Glad that Isadora has improved so much. :)
"I hate spunk." LOL!
I think Isadora is starting to feel at home. ;-)
Such great photos!! Love Isadora hissing! What a hoot! We think she's beginning to feel quite at home these days, too!! Hope you guys have a hissing good weekend! Ha Ha Ha!
Sylvia, Sam and Mojo!
I'll go off to start my day now that I've had a good chuckle.
Your happy little 'infiltrator' reminded me of ours. My son and his wife have 4 cats who've been with them since before Caleb. They have 1 new cat that has bonded with Caleb, but the original 4 are still wary of him, he's still the 'infiltrator' to them. Caleb is 8 now. I don't think cats forget.
very funny. the infiltrator is adorable.
Shadow Shot Sunday 160 - Home
Laughing here!!!! Great post with great photos -- of course!!!!
Such beauties sandy
Hooray Isadora is feeling better. Ess, ess mein kind! Oy, now I can breath again.
ron - I'm thrilled you had your morning coffee with us
we all send hugs and kisses to Uncle Ron
cherie - I love that scene!! that entire show was full of classic moments and lines :)
jay - in another life there's a good chance Siren was Lou Grant ;)
sylvia - thanks, she walks around a lot now and is investigating new spots
she really only hides when she hears Hope or a loud sound
actually Hope is a loud sound LOL
linda r - I'm happy we started your day with a chuckle :)
linda - I don't think they forget either
Siren especially, he just doesn't like the sound of her babbling
nessa - she's not bad for an infiltrator ;)
kay - thanks!! glad you laughed
and thank you for the kind comments on the previous posts and on the photo blog
you're a good friend to all of us :)
sandy - thanks :)
rob - thanks for being concerned, I was really worried
the steroids appear to be working and once she's stronger and more settled here we're going to consider tooth extraction - many vets say it's better than long term meds
I'm just so happy that she's happy, she was breaking my heart
I'm glad that Isadora is feeling better, aren't you? don't worry. she'll probably warm up after a while. And don't you really think that the infiltrator is kind of cute? Go. Enjoy your top bunk for a while.
This was such fun to read! I LOVE your sense of humour!
Love this story of Siren and Isadora! And the series of photos are just priceless! A fun Pet Pride post!
Good to hear Isadora is feeling better. She certainly looks spunky! :)
"SWEETIE" SAYS: Oh Siren, dear....Life is hard for you. Between "The Infiltrator" and Isadora....what is a Cat supposed to do....! Frankly, I don't think I would be so good about it, my dear Feline Pal....There is a lot to be said for being the only Cat in the house and no "infiltrators" about....
Even so...I'm glad that Isadora is feeling so much better and eating a lot! That is good for your Mom Person, and it is important to keep her happy, right? Meeeeooowwwww!
Siren, that's the best Lou Grant quote ever! Love the drama queen pose. Too cute. :) I'm sure glad she's doing better.
Great news about Isadora. You really caught some great expressions. They do rule don't they.
Hi Siren! Can you come to my house and help clean? I hate scrubbing the tub.
I'm glad Isadora is feeling better and you share food with her.
Here's a bit of advise Siren. When women have their back to you (ignoring you) and ears cocked, it's best to leave well enough alone. It's called PMS and we can not be held responsible for our actions.
Hi Dianne! That picture of Hope is just too cute. She has long fingers. Maybe piano in her future?
I'm glad that Isadora is doing better. But I didn't expect anything else in your good care.
Take care. Lisa
I wonder if Isadora will ever come to trust Siren? She seems watchful whenever he is around. Maybe now that she is fealing better she'll decide to make friends.
Thanks for your comments on my iron farmworkers. They seemed symbolic of the times we live in.
Ha, my cat always helps me change the sheets and sweep too. They know just where to stand and/play to be of utmost assistance, don’t they? I love when they puff and and their tails become squirrel-like. Great photos!
Siren, I'm sure Isadora will be your friend soon. Just give her time but she is cheeky taking your bed. As for the Infiltrator - there's nothing you can do about that; she's here to stay so you might as well grin and bear it :-)
I so dig the bunk beds. Cheers Di!!
bobbie - I don't think the infiltrator is cute, not at all
she screeches when she sees me and makes my teeth rattle and she throws things
love, Siren
stine - I'm so glad you enjoyed :)
greyscale - I'm glad you thought this was fun, thanks :)
akelamalu - I think Siren will need to get used to spunky :)
old old lady of the hills - thank you for understanding the cross I bear
love, Siren
hilary - siren loves classic TV ;)
patti - they are in charge :)
lisa - Hope does love the piano but she also has big feet so Jeffrey wants her to be an athlete
I say both :)
martha - I think they'll be fine, she has been thru a lot and is still a little anxious
thanks :)
scott - yep! they are very helpful
Siren always needs to be in the middle of whatever I'm doing
jabblog - she's very cheeky - she takes his bed, his toys and his food
he's actually being very good about it :)
matt-man - kitty condos are cool ;)
"She's got spunk."
"I hate spunk."
I so love these Pet Pride posts as I can just hear Siren narrating as I read. Can't wait to read one from Isadora's point of view. Or is that "point of meow?"
Seems to me Siren is being quite the gentleman about things though if Isadora keeps giving him the evil vampire fang look, that won't last long!
LOL I love that "get the hell away from me" look. Cats crack me up, their personalities are so particular.
Oh nothing better to hear than that Isadora is eating! And sunning. She is so lovely .. and so are you Siren ..
And that smile of Hope's? Makes my heart feel good .. xoxox
This is soooo great and funny. I enjoyed every minute of it, Di! Thanks!
hahaha! I nearly choked on my apple at "drama queen." Such beauties! Give them pets for me.
My God, Hope is such a gorgeous Gerber baby! A big hug to her please!
Happy Spring, Dianne! xo
Glad to hear Isadora is feeling better - and it looks like the rain has stopped.
Visiting from OCICBW ... I'm a cat lover. Great Cats and great cat photos! Thanks for the treat.
Very cute. I could write something very similar about my two cats. They fight for space on my lap every evening.
LOL great capture of Isadora giving some back at Siren
LOVE Hope's smile
linda - I'm so glad you enjoy these, thanks
Siren absolutely has an Ed Asner/Lou Grant persona ;)
although he is being very good about Isadora and she's getting more and more spunky
3 men/lady - they are very amusing ;)
daryl - she gained back what she lost plus some
what a relief!!
Hope sends hugs
jacob - I love that you enjoy these, thanks :)
petra - the kitties and Hope send hugs right back
reb - would you believe it's raining again!! oy!
whiteycat - thanks for the visit!! all cat lovers are welcome :)
kenju - Siren is not a lap cat, he'll stand on me if he's feeling very affectionate
he does however covet his personal space and Isadora is invading it all
bond - she smiles the moment she sees me and that is the best thing in the world :)
Uh oh. Not "one big happy family" yet, huh? The problem is, they are BOTH so beautiful. Beautiful creatures have a hard time sharing space sometimes :)
Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up here but I'm glad I didn't miss this wonderful photo story about your family ... loved all the pictures and this 'glimpse' of the adjustments taking place in your household. Glad Isadora's feeling better ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
very funny. the infiltrator is adorable.
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