The wonderful tt gave me the Excellent Blog award last week and I’ve finally decided how to pass it on. This was not an easy feat since I am a newcomer to your big blogger ways and I was worried that I’d somehow do it wrong. This worry was planted in the mossy part of my mind by a blog I read when I had just started blogging. Seems this poor blogger, also a newbie, had an award taken away because she hadn’t followed the rules. WTF!?
Blogging is an art and art should have no rules, or at most the rules should be don’t publish anyone’s social security number or credit card numbers and don’t be an asshole.
So I have decided which peeps deserve props – is there anything more pathetic than a middle-aged white woman using outdated hip-hop speak? Yes – George Bush.
But I digress …
I chose seven blogs because seven is my birth date number and I’ve always claimed it was lucky for me. Why? I have no clue but it made sense when I was seven so I stuck with it. Plus I love how versatile seven is – you can write it European and put the sexy mark in it or you can do like I do and make it barely discernible from a one. This is especially useful when you have a $77 gas bill and you only have $11 in your checking account. Of course you also have to not write out the amount in words and you have to remember to not sign the check. This usually gets you at least one more month before they turn off the gas – trust me, it works – I did it plenty of times back in the leaner 20 year old Single Mom days.
And I digress yet again …
I decided, going with the blogging is an art theme, to award the Excellent Blog award with movies and Oscar in mind. This also lets me give it to people who have already received it, two of them very recently. Again – I can not live by rules. I must acknowledge my wilder side somewhere and since it doesn’t wash with clients or at the giant-ass retail store my blog is my wild child salvation.
The Envelopes Puh-lease!
Raven – she’s Katherine Hepburn – stately and wise with a soft side that hugs the world. And she rocks as inventor of Wordzzle. Her blog is always filled with poetry and pureness.
Kim - best new artist. Yes, I know the Academy doesn’t have that award but the Daytime Emmys and the Grammys do. Just work with me people.
I found Kim’s blog when she was in the middle of doing a bio series on her pets. How wonderful is that!? Each day her posts are open and honest and a delight to read.
Jo – Audrey Hepburn at her finest. Beautiful and classy yet down-to-earth. Her blog truly is art. Wonderful writing and the most exquisite photography. And a comment from Jo is like being brushed with sunlight.
Michael – I have learned so much about so many diverse things from Michael. He posts about wonderful classic movies and classic cars – his Steve McQueen persona. He is also brilliant at networking people and putting the word out on worthy issues in a sweet, supportive Alan Alda manner.
CG – I’m thinking a young Helen Mirren. Classy and understated yet fun and oh so creative. Each post from CG always contains at least one magnificent photograph and she uses very few words to say so much.
R.E.H. – James Dean and Montgomery Clift. With a few Clint Eastwood days thrown in. His stories always kick-ass. He is the creator of the Picture Fiction Challenge and once a month he writes a story using lines from the blogs of his devoted commenters. How he does some of this stuff is beyond me. And because of the PFC, along with Wordzzle, I have never felt more inspired to write than I do right now.
And lovely seven…
Jayman – he’s every great comedic actor who should have gotten an Oscar and didn’t because the ass-hat Academy doesn’t feel funny is what? – smart, creative, worthy? Jay makes it all that and more. His posts always make me laugh out loud and his vlogs bring people into small moments of his life in the most entertaining way. And don’t let his blog title fool ya – he’s neither.
It was so hard to choose just seven. I think the “rules” allowed you to pass it on to ten but how snarky to flaunt rules and then use them when it’s convenient (again I leave that to Bushie Boy). There are so many wonderfully creative people in my favorites folder. I hope to be able to give an award to each and every one of them over time. They already have my respect and reader’s devotion.
And now I think we should all hit the red carpet and have our pictures taken by the paparazzi. Panties off! – You too ladies.
- I tried to go for gold font color - this is the closest I came. Sorry.
Hahaha - you must have been referring to my award snafu! It's ok, though, because I love Zoe's blog and she gave me another award later. heh.
Wonderful! Congrats! Well deserved, I might add.
Hi Dianne! Who knew that there were rules when given an award. One would think that by saying a gracious "thank you" and "I'm honored," would be enough. I agree with you that there shouldn't be rules in the blogging world.
With that said, your award is well deserved and you do a good job with your blog. I admire the way you make us feel as if we are there with you. And as far as Wordzzle, again I admire you. I look forward to this every week. When I see the words of the week, I can't wait to see how you use them.
Well I rambled on enough. Congrats. Lisa
Well, I'm having quite a roller coaster day... tough morning and tough post at the Nest... and now this lovely surprise.
I wish to thank the academy.... I love being compared to Katharine Hepburn... she's one of my all time favorites. Thank you for that flattering comparison and your kind words. Is the implication of your post that I have to now do something with this award? Pass it on? Eeek... the responsiblity...
Meanwhile, I suppose the band is now playing me off for an overly long acceptance speech and they'd be mocking me in the tabloids if they had ever heard of me...
Congratulations on your own receipt of this honor. Can't think of anyone more deserving.
Raven exists stage right...
Congrats on your award doll! You deserve it!
Rules? IN blogging?????
I'm letting everyone on the Heads Or Tails blogroll know that HoT has a home of its own! You can find it HERE. :)
Congrats on your award!
Someone had thiers taken away? Thats outrageous!
"Seems this poor blogger, also a newbie, had an award taken away because she hadn’t followed the rules. WTF!?"
Rules? We don't follow the rules ... We MAKE the rules! LOL
Seriously, there are no "rules" to blogging! That's just silly.
Thanks for the award and the nice words. But, be careful about telling people that I'm a nice guy. I have a reputation to keep up with the ladies, you know. ;-)
Congrats on the award! And, hey! Thanks for passing it on to me!
WOOHOO!! I am really happy :) Not only to get a LOVERLY award but to be referred to as a YOUNG Helen Mirren (I WISH!!) - is it any wonder I love you, Dianne!!
Thanks so much and a great post, as always!!
Congratulations to all the award recipients. Bravo! Encore!
*standing ovation*
law student - was it you!? I don't remember the blog I just remember how bad I felt for the blogger. Glad to know it all worked out.
odat - thanks so much, means a lot coming from you.
lisa - "I admire the way you make us feel as if we are there with you." - thank you! I love that you feel that way.
oh Raven - what a perfect acceptance speech. I forgot to mention when giving you the award how funny you are.
leighann - it makes me hot when you call me "doll"
glad you're back skittles!
casdock - thank you. and yes, outrageous indeed! I'm so thrilled that everyone agrees about the No Rules Rule.
jay - you have nothing to worry about. Women dearly adore the dichotomy, we savor the split personality, it just plain turns us on. So actually I'm pimping you out ;)
REH - you're welcome :)
CG - If I see it it must be true :)
I love you too.
sparkling red - you're the best. such a genuinely enthusiastic award show attendee.
You found the perfect spot...right on your 'mantle'....looks right at home there.
You my dear lady...are the best!
This is so nice! I didn't know there were rules to awards. Shows how much I know. LOL
Congrats, Dianne, and congrats to all those you awarded with the Excellent Blog Award. Thanks for stopping by my "Women Should Have" post and commenting!
thanks tt! - so are you.
sandpiper - well we've all decided there are no rules! and now we all know LOL
thanks for stopping by
the teach - thanks. your "Women Should Have" post was inspiring, I loved it.
You are truly wonderful, and it all comes through in your blog with humor, guts & authenticity...congrats on your award, in your case the icon should have exclamation points all over it.
Thanks so much for thinking of me, you've made me very happy! That last part really touched me. I'm not sure if I deserve such high praise but it's giving me the urge to go make-out with myself.
You are one of the treasures that make me grateful I started blogging. I just think the world of you, Dianne :)))
How totally awesome you are! Thank you so much for the shout out. I'm honored, flattered and sort of feel like I've pulled the wool over your eyes!
I'm completely tickled that you've added my blog to your list of super cool blogs to read, too. (I must learn how to do that the right way, so I can add people to mine...return the favor...I'm so new at all this that I don't know how to do anything yet!)
And your writing is phenomenal! I so look forward to reading your posts each day. You have the same sense of humor as I and reading your post a great way to start the day.
Again, thanks for the award. It's super sweet of you!
see Jo there it is again - brushed with sunlight :)
Kim - no wool over these eyes. Your blog makes my day as well. And don't worry about all the stuff that seems like a mystery. I've mentioned this before - when I first started I thought html and hotmail were the same thing. Adding a page element was like launching a missle from my lawn. It's all just trial and error. And I started having fun with my errors ;)
plus you can always e-mail me with any question, any time.
This is a great idea! I will read all your selections as soon as time permits.
Rules? There are rules? What mossy part of your brain held that idea in there anyway?
I thought you did a grand job of making your presentations, great choices, a few good digressions just enough for effect and there you are -all done!
See how easy that was? No go, keep on doing things the way you've been doing 'cause it's all just fine and dandy!
Dianne: WOW! Thank You for your very thoughtful (and surprising) mention of my Blogsite! Alan Alda is a fine actor with heart. What a compliment! Nice to be in such great company as Raven, Kim, Jo, CG, REH and Jayman! This was a thrill! :)
thanks kenju - you won't be disappointed by any of them.
jeni - the mossy part of my mind is a dangerous thing and it must be cleaned out - in our lifetime ;)
you're welcome Michael! and you shouldn't be surprised by how important your blog is to me and lots of other folks too.
Wow...I blog-walked over to CG...very cool, this is so inspiring, thanks for sharing your faves!
Congratulations on the award, very well deserved. :)
shelly - isn't CG's photography amazing? I keep finding a favorite photo and then picking a new favorite. Glad you checked her out.
thank you so much akelamalu
Thanks for visiting my blog, Dianne, and for your kind comments.
Please take as much as you want!!
Ive been called many things, but eloquent has never been one of them!! Thank you!
you're welcome artbliss - your blog is beautiful and I'm glad I found it.
thank you casdock - I appreciate that. and eloquent it is :)
I love this-some new blogs to visit. Congrats to all of the award winners!
I love the Craig line at the end!
I love that you're a Craig fan snoopmurph! you will enjoy each one of these blogs - and I'm not just speculating on the assumption. ;)
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