I hate heat.
I open windows during the winter. I rarely wear a coat and usually re-gift scarves, hats and gloves. I have always felt I had my inner rage to keep me warm.
It's been cooler so far this week. It sits just at 90 for the most part. Then along comes a thunderous storm - the dark clouds gather and the lighting strikes draw near, hitting closer and closer. The air takes on that electric stillness that fascinates me, interrupted only by rumbles of thunder. "God is bowling and the angels are holding up flashlights" my Nana used to tell me when storms frightened me.
Storms don't frighten me anymore. A good one delights me. The storms we've been having just flat out piss me off. They're like overly macho men - all bravado.
And when they're done you're left disappointed and with a slightly musky smell around you. The air is still oppressive and the humidity is worse.
I've been trying to catch up with everyone. I lack focus and energy. My sinuses are messed up and the bug I've been hosting appears to really, really love me. It's found a good home.
The health center I finally found after a 6 month search had their funding cut and, in turn, I have been cut from their client list. They have given me a list of others and more forms to fill out.
Don't get me started on forms.
If I could find a Social Security office with decent air conditioning I might have the energy to go postal in it.
So that's me for now. Kind of crappy and a wee bit depressed.
But hey, I'm hot.

I so support you in your opinion of the heat. Heat is one of the main reasons we moved from Texas to Oregon when I retired. Heat makes me sick, especially when there's little relief from it at night.
Yep, I'm a heat hater too. I love to be outside and I can't do anything when it's hot. Fortunately we've been having cool weather, enough so to make the locals complain "Where's my summer?".
I'm so sorry that you are sick, have health problems anyway, and can't get the medical help you need. You have every right to be a "hot head".
Gee, if I type fast enough I can be the third Linda in a row to comment here! And to think that my Dad named me Linda instead of Barbara because there were too many Barbaras ... yea, right!
I must say I love the way you have described the thunderstorms that we've been getting this year. All build-up and then total let-down. I love me a good thunderstorm with flashing lightning and thunder crescendoing throughout the land but alas, this is like overkill by the media promising you something really good that then falls flat.
Hope you feel better soon on all fronts; I'd send you an a/c unit big enough to cool down all of the East Coast if I could!
Yep, I'm another born in Texas broad who couldn't wait to find a better climate and I did in Oregon and Washington! Do wish I could send you some of our delightfully cool weather! Our mornings tend to be a little gray and grumpy, but cool and then by noon the skies are brilliantly blue and lots of fluffy, silly clouds playing chase. The highs have been in the 70s to mid 70s. I love it. I do hope you get to feeling better soon, I do understand where you're coming from.
I'm so sorry things are going crummy right now, Dianne. :(
Ick. I'm sorry that a bug has decided to take up residence, that the health care system is jerking you around, that we can't rid ourselves of this blasted humidity.
At least you know that things can only get better!
I too get beat down by the heat and humidity. The afternoon/evening headaches get old.
Hope you get rid of that damn bug soon babe. ;-)
I love cold too...so what am i doing in the isles?
Well written!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
I've been up in Philly this week. It is warm, for sure, but not any worse than what I am used to. But I would have expected it to be a few degrees cooler than Hotlanta. I know from having spent 12 years in New England that homes are not always set up for cooling. Mine wasn't air conditioned, so hot spells were miserable. My sympathies. At least I'll have climate control (to the max) when get home. And much more climate control than I ever wanted at work!!
I hate to tell you that we got all the way up to 71 today here in Bellingham, Washington. That's the warmest it's been in days, and tomorrow it might actually get to the mid-70s. It's why we moved here... and yep, it's hot everywhere else. You have every right to be grumpy. I will send you a cool breeze, did you feel it? :-)
You're not just hot...you're smokin'!
Excuse me while I channel Matt-Man.
Now go tell that damned bug you've got to run along and find someone else to play with. Enough is enough already. Your turn is done.
Egads! You sound absolutely miserable. I am so anti-summer and it's why I had moved out to the mountains years ago in search of cold air all year round. Well... it turns out it can get pretty darn hot here as well.... boooooo.... but as luck may have, the summers are relatively short and they are dry summers here so I can live with it.
Be well, my friend.
Ha...That damn Jeff stole my comment. Feel better soon, Sexy. Cheers Di!!
Ouch, we are having those pseudo storms here also. Run around unplugging stuff but not minding for the flowers sake only to have it bluster for naught.
You are probably runnning a fever which doesn't help the heat. I moved from Florida, just not far enough north.
If it was for fear of learning to think like Palen, Alaska looks pretty good.
Be gone bug and feel better soon.
As I always say - who the heck needs hot summers? The whole heat thing is so . . . well, hot! Down here in Texas the hot is ridiculous but I have actually met people who tell me (with a straight face) that they enjoy the heat. Right! They must be the loonies!
Personally, I love storms too but when it rains for a second all it does is make it even more humid!
Hang in there. Summer will give way. It's hot everywhere, I think everyone is having the hottest summer on record, but we can all rest assured that there is no such thing as global warming. Right?
My gran would ask what we'd say about August is we thought July was hot and my answer was HOTTER!
Feel better... a lame thing to say but said with love
Oh Dianne, if anyone can understand your distain for this horrendous heat, it's ME! Honestly, I've never experienced a summer when I've felt more crabby. It's like we're having no let up on the heat. And these storms are just making it more humid (like Florida). Truly, you and I should find jobs in Alaska.
"God is bowling and the angels are holding up flashlights."
LOVE it! I remember my mother saying that when I was a kid.
Know that I'm sending ya "good vibes" for a speeding recovery.
(((( Dianne ))))
You take care, dear lady.
I'm so sorry you are still fighting that bug! And the health care system sucks.
I used to be always cold, so the thought of living in the heat year round was like heaven to me. Now however, I can't stand extremes of either. The humidity is the worst part though, you need to move west where it is dry.
Hope you feel better soon.
Sux you are still feeling sickly...so sorry for that
Will not get into a heat discussion...we disagree...
I know the heat can drain your energy and thus your mood Dianne. Take every oppertunity that you possibly can and take your sweaty ass to the nearest pool. For me water and sun changes my mood instantly. You might even catch a few good Jersey boys with a situation of their own.
I love hot weather but it can indeed 'wear you out' if it's prolonged. Sorry you're not feeling 100% Dianne, hope you're feeling better soon. x
I love that the t-storms piss you off and I love the macho men and your labels for this post. I do not love that you are sick - still and that you are being shuttled around to get health care. Been there. Sucks. Just when you need the most help and have the least energy...I think you should come here immediately. It will solve the heat problem anyway. I really hope you get better soon. ox
I hope you're starting to feel a little better by now. Summer bugs are the worst. It's not so bad being sick in the winter when everyone's stuck indoors anyway. Missing out on the summer is much harder to take.
You too huh? I'm so sorry and hope you feel better, or at least cooler soon. I don't do well in heat either. Think I must also have inner rage.
Take care *hugs*
Sorry things are so tough right now, my dear--INCLUDING the Weather. I cannot bear Humidity...I like "dry" heat.....It is so much easier to take.
I hate that your available medical help is no longer available....YUK!
I send you Big Hugs (((((((HUGS)))))))
I am sorry - but I like the heat? Maybe because I am from India - well maybe not because my mom hates it. I remember feeling so stuck inside the house this winter - so with 100+ deg days, all you have to do is wait till 7pm when it becomes 99 degrees, and then you can go for a long walk :)
Sorry that you are not well - get well soon my friend :)
Reminds me of the times my company sends me over to our data center co-location in Charlotte, NC. The weather is COMPLETELY different from San Diego, CA. The heat, the downpours, and the heat. Did I mention the heat? It's amazing how strange it feels to be in a location that has actual weather.
Man, I totally forgot how powerful and overwhelming a serious thunderstorm can be.
I'm with you, I'd rather the weather be cold than hot. I hope you feel better soon, Hubby and I have both had the summer virus that has been going around and it hangs on & on.
I'm one of those annoying people who loves the heat. But I love my A/C too. Sorry you're not feeling well.. I hope you kick that bug soon.
Dianne...I hope you are feeling better than you were....You haven't posted in a while so I just wanted to check in and say I am thinking of you and hope you are not still struggling with that "bug".....I send you (((((((HUGS))))))) my dear Dianne.
Looks like my comment got lost. :-(
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